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Single Idea 265

[filed under theme 22. Metaethics / C. The Good / 1. Goodness / g. Consequentialism ]

Full Idea

The description 'just' is applicable only to the benefit conferred or injury inflicted by someone with a just character and outlook.

Gist of Idea

An action is only just if it is performed by someone with a just character and outlook


Plato (The Laws [c.349 BCE], 862b)

Book Ref

Plato: 'The Laws', ed/tr. Saunders,Trevor J [Penguin 1970], p.371

A Reaction

How should we describe the occasional administering of good justice by a generally wicked judge. Greeks focus on character, but moderns focus on actions.

The 34 ideas with the same theme [only good consequences matter in morality]:

Mohists desire wealth, population and social order as the best consequences [Mozi, by Norden]
It is right to lie to someone, to get them to take medicine they are reluctant to take [Anon (Diss)]
An action is only just if it is performed by someone with a just character and outlook [Plato]
Clearly perfect conduct will involve both good intention and good action [Aristotle]
We judge people from their deeds because we cannot see their choices (which matter more) [Aristotle]
The function of good men is to confer benefits [Aristotle]
Good applies to goals, just as truth applies to ideas in the mind [Aquinas]
You can't assess moral actions without referring to the qualities of character that produce them [Leibniz]
A person isn't good if only tying their hands prevents their mischief, so the affections decide a person's morality [Shaftesbury]
My action is not made good by a good effect, if I did not foresee and intend it [Hutcheson]
If an attempted poisoning results in benefits, we still judge the agent a poisoner [Reid]
A good will is not good because of what it achieves [Kant]
The good of an action is in the mind of the doer, not the consequences [Kant]
Morality involves duty and respect for law, not love of the outcome [Kant]
Motive shows the worth of the agent, but not of the action [Mill]
In the earliest phase of human history only consequences mattered [Nietzsche]
Humans are vividly aware of short-term effects, and almost ignorant of the long-term ones [Nietzsche]
Utilitarians prefer consequences because intentions are unknowable - but so are consequences! [Nietzsche]
Conduct is not isolated from its effect on the moral code [Hart,HLA]
Consequentialists can hurt the innocent in order to prevent further wickedness [Foot]
Why might we think that a state of affairs can be morally good or bad? [Foot]
Good outcomes are not external guides to morality, but a part of virtuous actions [Foot]
The idea of a good state of affairs has no role in the thought of Aristotle, Rawls or Scanlon [Foot]
If the aim is good outcomes, why are killings worse than deaths? [Scheffler, by Foot]
For a consequentialist massacring 7 million must be better than massacring 7 million and one [Williams,B]
Consequentialism assumes that situations can be compared [Williams,B]
It is an error of consequentialism to think we just aim at certain states of affairs; we also want to act [Williams,B]
Maybe consequentialism is a critique of ordinary morality, rather than describing it [Harman]
You can't separate acts from the people performing them [Glover]
Negative consequences are very hard (and possibly impossible) to assess [Graham]
What matters for morality is the effects of action, not the psychological causes [Kekes]
Consequentialism emphasises value rather than obligation in morality [Scruton]
Teenagers are often quite wise about ideals, but rather stupid about consequences [Hursthouse]
Consequentialism wrongly assumes a clear line between an act and its consequences [Crisp,R]