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Single Idea 2833

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / B. Equalities / 1. Grounds of equality ]

Full Idea

In an oligarchy or a democracy it pays to give equality, or even preference, to those who participate in the constitution less, to the rich in a democracy, to the poor in an oligarchy.

Gist of Idea

Equality is obviously there to help people who do not get priority in the constitution


Aristotle (Politics [c.332 BCE], 1309a27)

Book Ref

Aristotle: 'Politics', ed/tr. Sinclair,T.A. /Saunders,T. [Penguin 1992], p.328

A Reaction

A very nice idea. Every constitution will give priority to some group, even if it is all of the adults. So it should therefore have clauses supporting the others (e.g. children).

The 39 ideas with the same theme [reaons for viewing and treating people as equals]:

Do most people like equality because they are second-rate? [Plato]
Friendship is impossible between master and slave, even if they are made equal [Plato]
Men and women should qualify equally for honours on merit [Plato]
We can claim an equal right to aristocratic virtue, as well as to wealth or freedom [Aristotle]
Equality is obviously there to help people who do not get priority in the constitution [Aristotle]
It is always the weak who want justice and equality, not the strong [Aristotle]
Jew and Greeks, bond and free, male and female, are all one in Christ [Paul]
Hobbes says people are roughly equal; Locke says there is no right to impose inequality [Hobbes, by Wolff,J]
There is not enough difference between people for one to claim more benefit than another [Hobbes]
No one even thinks of equality in monarchies and despotism; they all want superiority [Montesquieu]
Equality is not command by everyone or no one, but command and obedience among equals [Montesquieu]
Three stages of the state produce inequalities of wealth, power, and enslavement [Rousseau]
The social compact imposes conventional equality of rights on people who may start unequally [Rousseau]
It is admirable to elevate the humble to the level of the great, but the opposite is depraved [Tocqueville]
Only liberty, equality and sympathy can stand up to anti-social people [Kropotkin]
Justice says people are not equal, and should become increasingly unequal [Nietzsche]
Slaves can be just as equal as free people [Russell]
Equality is the result of unlimited freedom [Weil]
People absurdly claim an equal share of things which are essentially privileged [Weil]
Relationships depend on equality, so unequal treatment kills them [Weil]
By making money the sole human measure, inequality has become universal [Weil]
Equality seems to require that each person be acknowledged as having a significant point of view [Williams,B]
Equality implies that people are alike in potential as well as in needs [Williams,B]
Equality was once opposed to aristocracy, but now it opposes public utility and individual rights [Nagel]
In judging disputes, should we use one standard, or those of each individual? [Nagel]
The ideal of acceptability to each individual underlies the appeal to equality [Nagel]
Equality of interests is a minimal principle, not implying equal treatment [Singer]
We can treat people as equals, or actually treat them equally [Dworkin, by Grayling]
Treating people as equals is the one basic value of all plausible political theories [Dworkin, by Kymlicka]
To rectify the undeserved equality, we should give men longer and women shorter lives [Kekes]
It is just a fact that some people are morally better than others [Kekes]
Liberty and equality cannot be reconciled [Grayling]
Utilitarians argue for equal distribution because of diminishing utility of repetition [Wolff,J]
Difference Principle: all inequalities should be in favour of the disadvantaged [Wolff,J]
The need for equality among people arises from impartiality and objectivity [Sen]
All modern theories of justice demand equality of something [Sen]
Opportunity should ignore extraneous factors, or foster competence, or ignore all disadvantages [Swift]
Most people want equality because they want a flourishing life [Tuckness/Wolf]
Mere equality, as in two trees being the same height, has no value at all [Charvet]