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Single Idea 2845

[filed under theme 1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 5. Aims of Philosophy / a. Philosophy as worldly ]

Full Idea

To be constantly asking 'what is the use of it?' is unbecoming to those of great soul, and unworthy of free men.

Gist of Idea

Free and great-souled men do not keep asking "what is the use of it?"


Aristotle (Politics [c.332 BCE], 1338b01)

Book Ref

Aristotle: 'Politics', ed/tr. Sinclair,T.A. /Saunders,T. [Penguin 1992], p.457

A Reaction

Love this one! It is not just philosophers who keep hearing this question. Pure mathematics, history, literature, even carpentry if you are not going to be a carpenter.

The 33 ideas with the same theme [philosophy aims to understand the (human) world]:

An unexamined life is not worth living. [Plato]
Unobservant thinkers tend to dogmatise using insufficient facts [Aristotle]
Free and great-souled men do not keep asking "what is the use of it?" [Aristotle]
Everyone should study philosophy until they see all people in the same light [Crates of Thebes, by Diog. Laertius]
Philosophy aims at a happy life, through argument and discussion [Epicurus]
True philosophising is not memorising ideas, but living by them [Stoic school, by Stobaeus]
What philosophy offers humanity is guidance [Seneca]
Philosophy aims at happiness [Seneca]
Philosophy investigates the causes of disagreements, and seeks a standard for settling them [Epictetus]
Philosophy must start from clearly observed facts [Galen]
Philosophy aims to know the truth about the way things are [Aquinas]
Philosophy is homesickness - the urge to be at home everywhere [Novalis]
Philosophy attains its goal if one person feels perfect accord between their system and experience [Fichte]
I don't study Plato for his own sake; the primary aim is always understanding [Feuerbach]
Philosophers have interpreted the world, but the point is to change it [Marx]
Ideals and metaphysics are practical, not imaginative or speculative [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
Sciences concern existence, but philosophy also concerns potential existence [Peirce]
What matters is how humans can be developed [Nietzsche]
The main aim of philosophy must be to determine the order of rank among values [Nietzsche]
The first aim of a philosopher is a life, not some works [Nietzsche]
You should only develop a philosophy if you are willing to live by it [Nietzsche]
Philosophers should be more inductive, and test results by their conclusions, not their self-evidence [Russell]
Philosophy aims to become more disciplined about categories [Ryle]
Philosophy aims to become the official language, supporting orthodoxy and the state [Deleuze]
The job of the philosopher is to distinguish facts about the world from conventions [Putnam]
Habermas seems to make philosophy more democratic [Habermas, by Bowie]
Philosophy aims to understand the world, through ordinary experience and science [Dummett]
Honesty requires philosophical theories we can commit to with our ordinary commonsense [Lewis]
An overexamined life is as bad as an unexamined one [Dennett]
Philosophy aims at what is interesting, remarkable or important - not at knowledge or truth [Deleuze/Guattari]
Organisms understand their worlds better if they understand themselves [Gulick]
Philosophy is empty if it does not in some way depend on matters of fact [Machery]
Philosophers should interpret the world, by expressing its possibilities [Berardi]