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Single Idea 3076

[filed under theme 17. Mind and Body / B. Behaviourism / 2. Potential Behaviour ]

Full Idea

There is no noncircular way to specify dispositions; for they are dispositions to behave given certain situations, and the situations must be include beliefs about the situation, and desires concerning it.


A 'disposition' is potential behaviour, or a tendency to behave in a certain way.

Gist of Idea

Defining dispositions is circular


Gilbert Harman (Thought [1973], 3.3)

Book Ref

Harman,Gilbert: 'Thought' [Princeton 1977], p.41

A Reaction

This is nowadays accepted dogmatically as the biggest objection to behaviourism, but it could be challenged. Your analysis may begin by mentioning beliefs and desires, but if you keep going they may eventually fade out of the picture.

The 13 ideas with the same theme [mind as a collection of dispositions to behave]:

You can't explain mind as dispositions, if they aren't real [Benardete,JA on Ryle]
Behaviour depends on desires as well as beliefs [Chalmers on Ryle]
You can't define real mental states in terms of behaviour that never happens [Geach]
Dispositions need mental terms to define them [Putnam]
The manifestations of a disposition need never actually exist [Armstrong]
Many sentences set up dispositions which are irrelevant to the meanings of the sentences [Cooper,DE]
Defining dispositions is circular [Harman]
Are dispositions real, or just a type of explanation? [Kim]
Dispositions are second-order properties, the property of having some property [Jackson/Pargetter/Prior, by Armstrong]
Behaviour requires knowledge as well as dispositions [Block]
In 'holistic' behaviourism we say a mental state is a complex of many dispositions [Kirk,R]
Disposition is a fundamental feature of reality, since basic particles are capable of endless possible interactions [Heil]
Dispositions say what we will do, not what we ought to do, so can't explain normativity [Miller,A]