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Single Idea 3090

[filed under theme 19. Language / A. Nature of Meaning / 8. Synonymy ]

Full Idea

The only sort of sameness of meaning we know is similarity in meaning, not exact sameness of meaning.

Gist of Idea

There is only similarity in meaning, never sameness in meaning


Gilbert Harman (Thought [1973], 6.8)

Book Ref

Harman,Gilbert: 'Thought' [Princeton 1977], p.109

A Reaction

The Eiffel Tower and le tour Eiffel? If you want to be difficult, you can doubt whether the word 'fast' ever has exactly the same meaning in two separate usages of the word.

The 29 ideas from 'Thought'

In negative coherence theories, beliefs are prima facie justified, and don't need initial reasons [Harman, by Pollock/Cruz]
We see ourselves in the world as a map [Harman]
People's reasons for belief are rarely conscious [Harman]
Could a cloud have a headache if its particles formed into the right pattern? [Harman]
Defining dispositions is circular [Harman]
Reasoning might be defined in terms of its functional role, which is to produce knowledge [Harman]
Speech acts, communication, representation and truth form a single theory [Harman]
Truth in a language is explained by how the structural elements of a sentence contribute to its truth conditions [Harman]
Logical form is the part of a sentence structure which involves logical elements [Harman]
A theory of truth in a language must involve a theory of logical form [Harman]
Ambiguity is when different underlying truth-conditional structures have the same surface form [Harman]
Many predicates totally resist translation, so a universal underlying structure to languages is unlikely [Harman]
Our underlying predicates represent words in the language, not universal concepts [Harman]
Sentences are different from propositions, since two sentences can express one proposition [Harman]
The analytic/synthetic distinction is a silly division of thought into encyclopaedia and dictionary [Harman]
Are there any meanings apart from in a language? [Harman]
Analyticity is postulated because we can't imagine some things being true, but we may just lack imagination [Harman]
Only lack of imagination makes us think that 'cats are animals' is analytic [Harman]
There is only similarity in meaning, never sameness in meaning [Harman]
If you believe that some of your beliefs are false, then at least one of your beliefs IS false [Harman]
Any two states are logically linked, by being entailed by their conjunction [Harman]
You don't have to accept the conclusion of a valid argument [Harman]
Induction is an attempt to increase the coherence of our explanations [Harman]
Coherence avoids scepticism, because it doesn't rely on unprovable foundations [Harman]
Deductive logic is the only logic there is [Harman]
We don't distinguish between accepting, and accepting as evidence [Harman]
Inference is never a conscious process [Harman]
You have to reaffirm all your beliefs when you make a logical inference [Harman]
Memories are not just preserved, they are constantly reinferred [Harman]