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Single Idea 3135

[filed under theme 18. Thought / B. Mechanics of Thought / 6. Artificial Thought / a. Artificial Intelligence ]

Full Idea

The modest mentalism of the Computational/Representational Theory of Thought (CRTT), associated with Fodor, says mental processes are computational, defined over syntactically specified entities, and these entities represent the world (are also semantic).

Gist of Idea

Is thought a syntactic computation using representations?


report of Jerry A. Fodor (works [1986]) by Georges Rey - Contemporary Philosophy of Mind Int.3

Book Ref

Rey,Georges: 'Contemporary Philosophy of Mind' [Blackwell 1997], p.9

A Reaction

This seems to imply that if you built a machine that did all these things, it would become conscious, which sounds unlikely. Do footprints 'represent' feet, or does representation need prior consciousness?

The 5 ideas from 'works'

Are beliefs brains states, but picked out at a "higher level"? [Lyons on Fodor]
How does anything get outside itself? [Fodor, by Martin,CB]
Is intentionality outwardly folk psychology, inwardly mentalese? [Lyons on Fodor]
Maybe narrow content is physical, broad content less so [Lyons on Fodor]
Is thought a syntactic computation using representations? [Fodor, by Rey]