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Single Idea 326

[filed under theme 1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 1. Philosophy ]

Full Idea

If, for relaxation, one gives up discussing eternal things, it is pleasant to consider likely accounts of the world of change.

Gist of Idea

For relaxation one can consider the world of change, instead of eternal things


Plato (Timaeus [c.349 BCE], 59c)

Book Ref

Plato: 'Timaeus and Critias', ed/tr. Lee,Desmond [Penguin 1971], p.84

A Reaction

To understand this, examine Plato's example of the Line at 'Republic' 509d.

The 26 ideas from 'Timaeus'

Plato says the soul is ordered by number [Plato, by Plutarch]
Plato's Forms were seen as part of physics, rather than of metaphysics [Plato, by Annas]
The apprehensions of reason remain unchanging, but reasonless sensation shows mere becoming [Plato]
Nothing can come to be without a cause [Plato]
Something will always be well-made if the maker keeps in mind the eternal underlying pattern [Plato]
If the cosmos is an object of perception then it must be continually changing [Plato]
Clearly the world is good, so its maker must have been concerned with the eternal, not with change [Plato]
The creator of the cosmos had no envy, and so wanted things to be as like himself as possible [Plato]
The cosmos must be unique, because it resembles the creator, who is unique [Plato]
Time came into existence with the heavens, so that there will be a time when they can be dissolved [Plato]
Heavenly movements gave us the idea of time, and caused us to inquire about the heavens [Plato]
Philosophy is the supreme gift of the gods to mortals [Plato]
Music has harmony like the soul, and serves to reorder disharmony within us [Plato]
The universe is basically an intelligible and unchanging model, and a visible and changing copy of it [Plato]
In addition to the underlying unchanging model and a changing copy of it, there must also be a foundation of all change [Plato]
For knowledge and true opinion to be different there must be Forms; otherwise we are just stuck with sensations [Plato]
Intelligence is the result of rational teaching; true opinion can result from irrational persuasion [Plato]
Before the existence of the world there must have been being, space and becoming [Plato]
We must consider the four basic shapes as too small to see, only becoming visible in large numbers [Plato]
For relaxation one can consider the world of change, instead of eternal things [Plato]
There are two types of cause, the necessary and the divine [Plato]
Everything that takes place naturally is pleasant [Plato]
No one wants to be bad, but bad men result from physical and educational failures, which they do not want or choose [Plato]
Bad governments prevent discussion, and discourage the study of virtue [Plato]
One should exercise both the mind and the body, to avoid imbalance [Plato]
Only bird-brained people think astronomy is entirely a matter of evidence [Plato]