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Single Idea 3650

[filed under theme 22. Metaethics / B. Value / 2. Values / i. Self-interest ]

Full Idea

It is not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the whole world to the scratching of my finger.

Gist of Idea

Total selfishness is not irrational


David Hume (Treatise of Human Nature [1739], II.III.ii)

Book Ref

Cottingham,John: 'Rationalism' [Paladin 1984], p.130

A Reaction

A famous idea, and the embodiment of moral nihilism. I say nothing could ever refute someone who held such a view. No moral theory can force someone to care, if they just don't.

The 60 ideas from 'Treatise of Human Nature'

Momentary impressions are wrongly identified with one another on the basis of resemblance [Hume, by Quine]
Hume became a total sceptic, because he believed that reason was a deception [Hume, by Kant]
The idea of inductive evidence, around 1660, made Hume's problem possible [Hume, by Hacking]
Hume's 'bundle' won't distinguish one mind with ten experiences from ten minds [Searle on Hume]
Hume says objects are not a construction, but an imaginative leap [Hume, by Robinson,H]
Associationism results from having to explain intentionality just with sense-data [Robinson,H on Hume]
Even Hume didn't include mathematics in his empiricism [Hume, by Kant]
If one event causes another, the two events must be wholly distinct [Hume, by Wilson/Schpall]
For Hume, practical reason has little force, because we can always modify our desires [Hume, by Graham]
Modern science has destroyed the Platonic synthesis of scientific explanation and morality [Hume, by Taylor,C]
The problem of getting to 'ought' from 'is' would also apply in getting to 'owes' or 'needs' [Anscombe on Hume]
For Hume a constant conjunction is both necessary and sufficient for causation [Hume, by Crane]
Hume seems to presuppose necessary connections between mental events [Kripke on Hume]
The only meaning we have for substance is a collection of qualities [Hume]
If we see a resemblance among objects, we apply the same name to them, despite their differences [Hume]
Nothing we clearly imagine is absolutely impossible [Hume]
Two numbers are equal if all of their units correspond to one another [Hume]
Necessity only exists in the mind, and not in objects [Hume]
Both number and unity are incompatible with the relation of identity [Hume]
Multiple objects cannot convey identity, because we see them as different [Hume]
'An object is the same with itself' is meaningless; it expresses unity, not identity [Hume]
Saying an object is the same with itself is only meaningful over a period of time [Hume]
There is no medium state between existence and non-existence [Hume]
Individuation is only seeing that a thing is stable and continuous over time [Hume]
Aristotelians propose accidents supported by substance, but they don't understand either of them [Hume]
We have no good concept of solidity or matter, because accounts of them are all circular [Hume]
If all of my perceptions were removed by death, nothing more is needed for total annihilation [Hume]
If a republic can retain identity through many changes, so can an individual [Hume]
Changing a part can change the whole, not absolutely, but by its proportion of the whole [Hume]
If identity survives change or interruption, then resemblance, contiguity or causation must unite the parts of it [Hume]
A change more obviously destroys an identity if it is quick and observed [Hume]
If a ruined church is rebuilt, its relation to its parish makes it the same church [Hume]
We accept the identity of a river through change, because it is the river's nature [Hume]
The purpose of the ship makes it the same one through all variations [Hume]
A person is just a fast-moving bundle of perceptions [Hume]
The parts of a person are always linked together by causation [Hume]
Hume gives us an interesting sketchy causal theory of personal identity [Perry on Hume]
A person is simply a bundle of continually fluctuating perceptions [Hume]
Introspection always discovers perceptions, and never a Self without perceptions [Hume]
Memory only reveals personal identity, by showing cause and effect [Hume]
We use memory to infer personal actions we have since forgotten [Hume]
Memory not only reveals identity, but creates it, by producing resemblances [Hume]
Who thinks that because you have forgotten an incident you are no longer that person? [Hume]
Causation unites our perceptions, by producing, destroying and modifying each other [Hume]
A continuous lifelong self must be justified by a single sustained impression, which we don't have [Hume]
When I introspect I can only observe my perceptions, and never a self which has them [Hume]
We pretend our perceptions are continuous, and imagine a self to fill the gaps [Hume]
Identity in the mind is a fiction, like that fiction that plants and animals stay the same [Hume]
Memory, senses and understanding are all founded on the imagination [Hume]
You can only hold people responsible for actions which arise out of their character [Hume]
Reason alone can never be a motive to any action of the will [Hume]
Reason is and ought to be the slave of the passions [Hume]
Total selfishness is not irrational [Hume]
You can't move from 'is' to 'ought' without giving some explanation or reason for the deduction [Hume]
We cannot discover vice by studying a wilful murder; that only arises from our own feelings [Hume]
Mathematicians only accept their own proofs when everyone confims them [Hume]
We have no idea of powers, because we have no impressions of them [Hume]
There may well be powers in things, with which we are quite unacquainted [Hume]
The distinction between a power and its exercise is entirely frivolous [Hume]
Power is the possibility of action, as discovered by experience [Hume]