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Single Idea 3733

[filed under theme 23. Ethics / B. Contract Ethics / 2. Golden Rule ]

Full Idea

The 'golden rule' is merely derivative from our principle, but it cannot be a universal law since it isn't the ground of duties to oneself or others (since it implies a breakable contract).

Gist of Idea

The 'golden rule' cannot be a universal law as it implies no duties


Immanuel Kant (Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals [1785], 430.68 n)

Book Ref

Kant,Immanuel: 'The Moral Law (Groundwork of Morals)', ed/tr. Paton,H.J. [Hutchinson 1948], p.92

The 70 ideas from 'Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals'

Kant made the political will into a pure self-determined "free" will [Kant, by Marx/Engels]
Kant thought emotions are too random and passive to be part of morality [Kant, by Williams,B]
Kant united religion and philosophy, by basing obedience to law on reason instead of faith [Taylor,R on Kant]
The categorical imperative says nothing about what our activities and ends should be [MacIntyre on Kant]
Kant thought human nature was pure hedonism, so virtue is only possible via the categorical imperative [Foot on Kant]
We must only value what others find acceptable [Kant, by Korsgaard]
Kant focuses exclusively on human values, and neglects cultural and personal values [Kekes on Kant]
Our rational choices confer value, arising from the sense that we ourselves are important [Kant, by Korsgaard]
Values are created by human choices, and are not some intrinsic quality, out there [Kant, by Berlin]
Kant thinks virtue becomes passive, and hence morally unaccountable [Kant, by Annas]
Generosity and pity are vices, because they falsely imply one person's superiority to another [Kant, by Berlin]
Kantian respect is for humanity and reason (not from love or sympathy or solidarity) [Kant, by Sandel]
Kant follows Rousseau in defining freedom and morality in terms of each other [Taylor,C on Kant]
If 'maxims' are deeper underlying intentions, Kant can be read as a virtue theorist [Kant, by Statman]
We can ask how rational goodness is, but also why is rationality good [Putnam on Kant]
Kant was happy with 'good will', even if it had no result [Kant, by Marx/Engels]
Kant has to attribute high moral worth to some deeply unattractive human lives [Kant, by Graham]
Kantian duty seems to imply conformism with authority [MacIntyre on Kant]
Almost any precept can be consistently universalized [MacIntyre on Kant]
The categorical imperative smells of cruelty [Nietzsche on Kant]
The intuition behind the categorical imperative is that one ought not to make an exception of oneself [Kant, by Finlayson]
Universalising a maxim needs to first stipulate the right description for the action [Anscombe on Kant]
The categorical imperative will not suggest maxims suitable for testing [MacIntyre on Kant]
I can universalize a selfish maxim, if it is expressed in a way that only applies to me [MacIntyre on Kant]
Why couldn't all rational beings accept outrageously immoral rules of conduct? [Mill on Kant]
The maxim of an action is chosen, and not externally imposed [Kant, by Bowie]
Always treat humanity as an end and never as a means only [Kant]
For Kant, even a person who lacks all sympathy for others still has a motive for benevolence [Kant, by Hursthouse]
If we are required to give moral thought the highest priority, this gives morality no content [Williams,B on Kant]
If Kant lives by self-administered laws, this is as feeble as self-administered punishments [Kierkegaard on Kant]
Kant is the father of the notion of exploitation as an evil [Kant, by Berlin]
Kant completed Grotius's project of a non-religious basis for natural law [Scruton on Kant]
Retributive punishment is better than being sent to hospital for your crimes [Kant, by Berlin]
We can only know we should obey God if we already have moral standards for judging God [Kant, by MacIntyre]
God is not proved by reason, but is a postulate of moral thinking [Kant, by Davies,B]
The only purely good thing is a good will [Kant]
Only a good will makes us worthy of happiness [Kant]
A good will is not good because of what it achieves [Kant]
The function of reason is to produce a good will [Kant]
Dutiful actions are judged not by purpose, but by the maxim followed [Kant]
Other causes can produce nice results, so morality must consist in the law, found only in rational beings [Kant]
Reverence is awareness of a value which demolishes my self-love [Kant]
Act according to a maxim you can will as a universal law [Kant]
Telling the truth from duty is quite different from doing so to avoid inconvenience [Kant]
If lying were the universal law it would make promises impossible [Kant]
We may claim noble motives, but we cannot penetrate our secret impulses [Kant]
We judge God to be good by a priori standards of moral perfection [Kant]
Metaphysics goes beyond the empirical, so doesn't need examples [Kant]
A categorical imperative sees an action as necessary purely for its own sake [Kant]
There are no imperatives for a holy will, as the will is in harmony with moral law [Kant]
The good of an action is in the mind of the doer, not the consequences [Kant]
The categorical imperative is a practical synthetic a priori proposition [Kant]
Act as if your maxim were to become a universal law of nature [Kant]
Suicide, false promises, neglected talent, and lack of charity all involve contradictions of principle [Kant, by PG]
Non-rational beings only have a relative value, as means rather than as ends [Kant]
Our inclinations are not innately desirable; in fact most rational beings would like to be rid of them [Kant]
Rational beings necessarily conceive their own existence as an end in itself [Kant]
Rational beings have a right to share in the end of an action, not just be part of the means [Kant]
The 'golden rule' cannot be a universal law as it implies no duties [Kant]
Men are subject to laws which are both self-made and universal [Kant]
Virtue lets a rational being make universal law, and share in the kingdom of ends [Kant]
The will is good if its universalised maxim is never in conflict with itself [Kant]
The hallmark of rationality is setting itself an end [Kant]
Free will is a kind of causality which works independently of other causes [Kant]
We cannot conceive of reason as being externally controlled [Kant]
We shall never be able to comprehend how freedom is possible [Kant]
Always treat yourself and others as an end, and never simply as a means [Kant]
Morality is the creation of the laws that enable a Kingdom of Ends [Kant]
It is basic that moral actions must be done from duty [Kant]
Actions where people spread happiness because they enjoy it have no genuine moral worth [Kant]