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Single Idea 4106

[filed under theme 15. Nature of Minds / B. Features of Minds / 5. Qualia / a. Nature of qualia ]

Full Idea

There is a phenomenal difference between a short-sighted person wearing glasses and not; they do not judge that the world is different, but the properties of the experience (the qualia) have changed.


'Phenomenal' refers to the raw quality of experience

Gist of Idea

If someone removes their glasses the content of experience remains, but the quality changes


Tim Crane (Elements of Mind [2001], 5.43)

Book Ref

Crane,Tim: 'Elements of Mind' [OUP 2001], p.143

A Reaction

Could be challenged. If a notice becomes unreadable, that is more than the qualia changing.

The 42 ideas from 'Elements of Mind'

In intensional contexts, truth depends on how extensions are conceived. [Crane]
Is knowledge just a state of mind, or does it also involve the existence of external things? [Crane]
Broad content entails the existence of the object of the thought [Crane]
It seems that 'exists' could sometimes be a predicate [Crane]
Properties dualism says mental properties are distinct from physical, despite a single underlying substance [Crane]
Descartes did not think of minds as made of a substance, because they are not divisible [Crane]
Causation can be seen in counterfactual terms, or as increased probability, or as energy flow [Crane]
The completeness of physics must be an essential component of any physicalist view of mind [Crane]
Overdetermination occurs if two events cause an effect, when each would have caused it alone [Crane]
Causes are properties, not events, because properties are what make a difference in a situation [Crane]
Functionalism defines mental states by their causal properties, which rules out epiphenomenalism [Crane]
Identity theory is either of particular events, or of properties, depending on your theory of causation [Crane]
Aesthetic properties of thing supervene on their physical properties [Crane]
Constitution (as in a statue constituted by its marble) is supervenience without identity [Crane]
If mental supervenes on the physical, then every physical cause will be accompanied by a mental one [Crane]
Properties are causes [Crane]
If mental properties are emergent they add a new type of causation, and physics is not complete [Crane]
Non-reductive physicalism seeks an explanation of supervenience, but emergentists accept it as basic [Crane]
The distinction between 'resultant' properties (weight) and 'emergent' properties is a bit vague [Crane]
Physicalism may be the source of the mind-body problem, rather than its solution [Crane]
Traditional substance is separate from properties and capable of independent existence [Crane]
Intentionalism does not require that all mental states be propositional attitudes [Crane]
Pains have a region of the body as their intentional content, not some pain object [Crane]
Weak intentionalism says qualia are extra properties; strong intentionalism says they are intentional [Crane]
The core of the consciousness problem is the case of Mary, zombies, and the Hard Question [Crane]
The problems of misrepresentation and error have dogged physicalist reductions of intentionality [Crane]
Many cases of knowing how can be expressed in propositional terms (like how to get somewhere) [Crane]
Experience teaches us propositions, because we can reason about our phenomenal experience [Crane]
Maybe beliefs don't need to be conscious, if you are not conscious of the beliefs guiding your actions [Crane]
Object-directed attitudes like love are just as significant as propositional attitudes [Crane]
Maybe there are two kinds of belief - 'de re' beliefs and 'de dicto' beliefs [Crane]
The theory of descriptions supports internalism, since they are thinkable when the object is non-existent [Crane]
The Twin Earth argument depends on reference being determined by content, which may be false. [Crane]
If we smell something we are aware of the smell separately, but we don't perceive a 'look' when we see [Crane]
The adverbial theory of perceptions says it is the experiences which have properties, not the objects [Crane]
One can taste that the wine is sour, and one can also taste the sourness of the wine [Crane]
The problems of perception disappear if it is a relation to an intentional state, not to an object or sense datum [Crane]
The traditional supports for the sense datum theory were seeing double and specks before one's eyes [Crane]
If someone removes their glasses the content of experience remains, but the quality changes [Crane]
Phenol-thio-urea tastes bitter to three-quarters of people, but to the rest it is tasteless, so which is it? [Crane]
With inverted qualia a person's experiences would change, but their beliefs remain the same [Crane]
If perception is much richer than our powers of description, this suggests that it is non-conceptual [Crane]