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Single Idea 4134

[filed under theme 22. Metaethics / A. Ethics Foundations / 2. Source of Ethics / i. Prescriptivism ]

Full Idea

That "I simply don't like staying at good hotels" is intelligible brings out the basic weakness of prescriptive accounts of the evaluative.

Gist of Idea

The weakness of prescriptivism is shown by "I simply don't like staying at good hotels"


Bernard Williams (Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy [1985], Ch. 7)

Book Ref

Williams,Bernard: 'Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy' [Fontana 1985], p.125

A Reaction

This might be an elision of two different prescriptions, mine and most people's. In what sense do I think the hotel good, as opposed to other people?

The 25 ideas from 'Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy'

Philosophers try to produce ethical theories because they falsely assume that ethics can be simple [Williams,B]
A crucial feature of moral thought is second-order desire - the desire to have certain desires [Williams,B]
'Deon' in Greek means what one must do; there was no word meaning 'duty' [Williams,B]
Obligation and duty look backwards (because of a promise or job), although the acts are in the future [Williams,B]
A weakness of contractual theories is the position of a person of superior ability and power [Williams,B]
Why should I think of myself as both the legislator and the citizen who follows the laws? [Williams,B]
If the self becomes completely impartial, it no longer has enough identity to worry about its interests [Williams,B]
It is an error of consequentialism to think we just aim at certain states of affairs; we also want to act [Williams,B]
Utilitarian benevolence involves no particular attachments, and is immune to the inverse square law [Williams,B]
Intuitionism has been demolished by critics, and no longer looks interesting [Williams,B]
The category of person is a weak basis for ethics, because it is not fixed but comes in degrees [Williams,B]
Most women see an early miscarriage and a late stillbirth as being very different in character [Williams,B]
Speciesism isn't like racism, because the former implies a viewpoint which belongs to no one [Williams,B]
The weakness of prescriptivism is shown by "I simply don't like staying at good hotels" [Williams,B]
Some ethical ideas, such as 'treachery' and 'promise', seem to express a union of facts and values [Williams,B]
Our ability to react to an alien culture shows that ethical thought extends beyond cultural boundaries [Williams,B]
It is very confused to deduce a nonrelativist morality of universal toleration from relativism [Williams,B]
Ethical conviction must be to some extent passive, and can't just depend on the will and decisions [Williams,B]
Taking responsibility won't cure ethical uncertainty by; we are uncertain what to decide [Williams,B]
It is a mark of our having ethical values that we aim to reproduce them in our children [Williams,B]
Promise keeping increases reliability, by making deliberation focus on something which would be overlooked [Williams,B]
"Ought implies can" is a famous formula in connection with moral obligation [Williams,B]
Not all moral deliberations lead to obligations; some merely reveal what 'may' be done [Williams,B]
The concept of a 'duty to myself' is fraudulent [Williams,B]
In the realist view, the real external world explains how it (and perceptions of it) are possible [Williams,B]