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Single Idea 4279

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / F. Life Issues / 6. Animal Rights ]

Full Idea

It is easy to remove the risk of suffering from an animal's life, but the result is not a life which an animal should lead.

Gist of Idea

We can easily remove the risk of suffering from an animal's life, but we shouldn't do it


Roger Scruton (Animal Rights and Wrongs [1996], p.44)

Book Ref

Scruton,Roger: 'Animal Rights and Wrongs' [Demos 1996], p.44

A Reaction

I'm not clear where the "should" derives from here. You can't save them all, and large interventions would destroy the ecosystem. But should we never, say, put a victim out of its misery?

The 33 ideas from 'Animal Rights and Wrongs'

We favour our own animals over foreign ones because we see them as fellow citizens [Scruton]
Brutal animal sports are banned because they harm the personality of the watcher [Scruton]
Many of the stranger forms of life (e.g. worms) interest us only as a species, not as individuals [Scruton]
Perception (which involves an assessment) is a higher state than sensation [Scruton]
If an animal has beliefs, that implies not only that it can make mistakes, but that it can learn from them [Scruton]
Having beliefs involves recognition, expectation and surprise [Scruton]
Conditioning may change behaviour without changing the mind [Scruton]
Animals command our sympathy and moral concern initially because of their intentionality [Scruton]
An emotion is a motive which is also a feeling [Scruton]
Do we use reason to distinguish people from animals, or use that difference to define reason? [Scruton]
There is consciousness whenever behaviour must be explained in terms of mental activity [Scruton]
Our concept of a person is derived from Roman law [Scruton]
Kant's Moral Law is the rules rational beings would accept when trying to live by agreement [Scruton]
The modern virtues are courage, prudence, wisdom, temperance, justice, charity and loyalty [Scruton]
An animal has individuality if it is nameable, and advanced animals can respond to their name [Scruton]
I may avoid stepping on a spider or flower, but fellow-feeling makes me protect a rabbit [Scruton]
Lucky animals are eaten by large predators, the less lucky starve, and worst is death by small predators [Scruton]
We can easily remove the risk of suffering from an animal's life, but we shouldn't do it [Scruton]
Utilitarianism is wrong precisely because it can't distinguish animals from people [Scruton]
Utilitarianism says we can't blame Stalin yet, but such a theory is a sick joke [Scruton]
Morality is not a sort of calculation, it is what sets the limits to when calculation is appropriate [Scruton]
Sympathy can undermine the moral order just as much as crime does [Scruton]
All moral life depends ultimately on piety, which is our recognition of our own dependence [Scruton]
As soon as we drop self-interest and judge impartially, we find ourselves agreeing about conflicts [Scruton]
Only just people will drop their own self-interests when faced with an impartial verdict [Scruton]
Utilitarianism merely guides us (by means of sympathy) when the moral law is silent [Scruton]
Many breeds of animals have needs which our own ancestors planted in them [Scruton]
Sheep and cattle live comfortable lives, and die an enviably easy death [Scruton]
That which can only be done by a callous person, ought not to be done [Scruton]
Letting your dog kill wild rats, and keeping rats for your dog to kill, are very different [Scruton]
Concern for one animal may harm the species, if the individual is part of a bigger problem [Scruton]
Introducing a natural means of controlling animal population may not be very compassionate [Scruton]
Animals are outside the community of rights, but we still have duties towards them [Scruton]