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Single Idea 4566

[filed under theme 19. Language / B. Reference / 1. Reference theories ]

Full Idea

Any thesis about reference is also going to be a thesis about what there is in existence to refer to.

Gist of Idea

Any thesis about reference is also a thesis about what exists to be referred to


David E. Cooper (Philosophy and the Nature of Language [1973], §4)

Book Ref

Cooper,David E.: 'Philosophy and the Nature of Language' [Longman 1979], p.70

A Reaction

I see the point, but we must not put the cart before the horse. I may have an intuition that something exists, but not know how to refer to it (because of my small vocabulary).

The 13 ideas from David E. Cooper

Many sentences set up dispositions which are irrelevant to the meanings of the sentences [Cooper,DE]
Most people know how to use the word "Amen", but they do not know what it means [Cooper,DE]
'How now brown cow?' is used for elocution, but this says nothing about its meaning [Cooper,DE]
I can meaningfully speculate that humans may have experiences currently impossible for us [Cooper,DE]
The verification principle itself seems neither analytic nor verifiable [Cooper,DE]
Any thesis about reference is also a thesis about what exists to be referred to [Cooper,DE]
If 'Queen of England' does not refer if there is no queen, its meaning can't refer if there is one [Cooper,DE]
Reference need not be a hit-or-miss affair [Cooper,DE]
If predicates name things, that reduces every sentence to a mere list of names [Cooper,DE]
If it is claimed that language correlates with culture, we must be able to identify the two independently [Cooper,DE]
A person's language doesn't prove their concepts, but how are concepts deduced apart from language? [Cooper,DE]
If some peoples do not have categories like time or cause, they can't be essential features of rationality [Cooper,DE]
An analytic truth is one which becomes a logical truth when some synonyms have been replaced [Cooper,DE]