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Single Idea 4648

[filed under theme 22. Metaethics / B. Value / 2. Values / e. Death ]

Full Idea

It seems best to define 'death' in terms of irreversible loss of consciousness itself, since it is from this alone that our interest in the electrical activity of the brain derives.

Gist of Idea

'Death' is best seen as irreversible loss of consciousness, since this is why we care about brain function


Jonathan Glover (Causing Death and Saving Lives [1977], §3.3)

Book Ref

Glover,Jonathan: 'Causing Death and Saving Lives' [Penguin 1982], p.43

A Reaction

I see the point, but this implies no further interest in a loved one who will not regain consciousness. What about subconscious acitivity, or dreamlike states without proper awareness of the external world?

The 35 ideas from 'Causing Death and Saving Lives'

'Death' is best seen as irreversible loss of consciousness, since this is why we care about brain function [Glover]
If someone's life is 'worth living', that gives one direct reason not to kill him [Glover]
The quality of a life is not altogether independent of its length [Glover]
Utilitarians object to killing directly (pain, and lost happiness), and to side-effects (loss to others, and precedents) [Glover]
If killing is wrong because it destroys future happiness, not conceiving a happy child is also wrong [Glover]
Autonomy favours present opinions over future ones, and says nothing about the interests of potential people [Glover]
If a whole community did not mind death, respect for autonomy suggests that you could kill them all [Glover]
A problem arises in any moral system that allows more than one absolute right [Glover]
Double Effect: no bad acts with good consequences, but possibly good acts despite bad consequences [Glover]
Acts and Omissions: bad consequences are morally better if they result from an omission rather than an act [Glover]
It doesn't seem worse to switch off a life-support machine than to forget to switch it on [Glover]
Harmful omissions are unavoidable, while most harmful acts can be avoided [Glover]
What matters is not intrinsic value of life or rights, but worthwhile and desired life, and avoidance of pain [Glover]
Defenders of abortion focus on early pregnancy, while opponents focus on later stages [Glover]
If abortion is wrong, it is because a foetus is a human being or a person (or potentially so) [Glover]
If abortion is wrong because of the 'potential' person, that makes contraception wrong too [Glover]
If viability is a test or boundary at the beginning of life, it should also be so for frail old people [Glover]
Conception isn't the fixed boundary for a person's beginning, because twins are possible within two weeks [Glover]
How would we judge abortion if mothers had transparent wombs? [Glover]
Persons are conscious, they relate, they think, they feel, and they are self-aware [Glover]
You can't have a right to something you can't desire, so a foetus has no 'right' to life [Glover]
Being alive is not intrinsically good, and there is no 'right to life' [Glover]
Apart from side effects, it seems best to replace an inadequate foetus with one which has a better chance [Glover]
What is wrong with killing someone, if another equally worthwhile life is substituted? [Glover]
It is always right for a qualified person to perform an abortion when requested by the mother [Glover]
Abortion differs morally from deliberate non-conception only in its side-effects [Glover]
The sanctity of life doctrine implies a serious increase of abnormality among the population [Glover]
The 'no trade-off' position: killing is only justified if it prevents other deaths [Glover]
One test for a worthwhile life is to assess the amount of life for which you would rather be unconscious [Glover]
Autonomy seems to acquire greater weight when the decision is more important to a person [Glover]
The Nazi mass murders seem to have originated in their euthanasia programme [Glover]
Euthanasia is voluntary (patient's wish), or involuntary (ignore wish), or non-voluntary (no wish possible) [Glover]
Involuntary euthanasia is wrong because it violates autonomy, and it has appalling side-effects [Glover]
Maybe extreme treatment is not saving life, but prolonging the act of dying [Glover]
Societies spend a lot to save known persons, but very little to reduce fatal accidents [Glover]