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Single Idea 5263

[filed under theme 22. Metaethics / B. Value / 2. Values / g. Love ]

Full Idea

Most people seem to want to be loved rather than to love, the reason being their desire for honour.

Gist of Idea

Most people want to be loved rather than to love, because they desire honour


Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics [c.334 BCE], 1159a13)

Book Ref

Aristotle: 'Ethics (Nicomachean)', ed/tr. ThomsonJ A K/TredennickH [Penguin 1976], p.271

A Reaction

The footnote says 'honour' here is 'esteem'. In other words, wanting to be loved is a type of vanity, which sounds right. Most people would like being loved from afar, by a person who could do nothing to benefit or please them.

The 56 ideas with the same theme [role of the feeling of love in moral behaviour]:

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself [Anon (Leviticus)]
Do good to him who has done you an injury [Laozi (Lao Tzu)]
Love assists men in achieving merit and happiness [Plato]
Love follows beauty, wisdom is exceptionally beautiful, so love follows wisdom [Plato]
Love is desire for perpetual possession of the good [Plato]
Only lovable things are loved, and they must be good, or pleasant, or useful [Aristotle]
Most people want to be loved rather than to love, because they desire honour [Aristotle]
Spirit [thumos] is the capacity by which we love [Aristotle]
Virtuous love consists of decorous desire for the beautiful [Democritus (attr)]
Hate is conquered by love [Anon (Dham)]
Virtuous men do not feel sexual desire, which merely focuses on physical beauty [Stoic school, by Diog. Laertius]
Love your enemies [Jesus]
Love thy neighbour as thyself [Jesus]
Is anything sweeter than valuing yourself more when you find you are loved? [Seneca]
Knowledge of what is good leads to love; only the wise, who distinguish good from evil, can love [Epictetus]
We should avoid the pleasures of love, or at least, should not enact our dreams [Porphyry]
Love, and do what you will [Augustine]
Desire and love are the same, but in the desire the object is absent, and in love it is present [Hobbes]
Judging by effects, love looks more like hatred than friendship [Rochefoucauld]
Love is nothing else but pleasure accompanied by the idea of an external cause [Spinoza]
Love is joy with an external cause [Spinoza]
Love is pleasure in the perfection, well-being or happiness of its object [Leibniz]
We have no natural love of mankind, other than through various relationships [Hume]
The duty of love is to makes the ends of others one's own [Kant]
True love is ironic, in the contrast between finite limitations and the infinity of love [Schlegel,F]
If life lacks love it becomes destruction [Fichte]
Love is ethical life in its natural form [Hegel]
If you love nothing, it doesn't matter whether something exists or not [Feuerbach]
If people marry just because they are lonely, that is self-love, not love [Kierkegaard]
Perfect love is not in spite of imperfections; the imperfections must be loved as well [Kierkegaard]
Marriage upholds the idea that love, though a passion, can endure [Nietzsche]
Marriage is too serious to be permitted for people in love! [Nietzsche]
Fear reveals the natures of other people much more clearly than love does [Nietzsche]
If you love something, it is connected with everything, so all must be affirmed as good [Nietzsche]
Simultaneous love and respect are impossible; love has no separation or rank, but respect admits power [Nietzsche]
Love is the spiritualisation of sensuality [Nietzsche]
Friendly chats undermine my philosophy; wanting to be right at the expense of love is folly [Nietzsche]
We only really love children and work [Nietzsche]
Unlike hate, all desires can be satisfied by love [Russell]
We should never desire the immortality of the people we love [Weil]
Everything which originates in love is beautiful [Weil]
Love is the demand to be loved [Sartre]
Lovers are hateful, apart from their hovering awareness of death [Cioran]
Love seems to diminish with distance from oneself [Quine]
The more one loves the stronger the absurd grows [Camus]
Love is a central concept in morals [Murdoch]
Ordinary human love is good evidence of transcendent goodness [Murdoch]
Love is realising something other than oneself is real [Murdoch]
Rather than loving things because we value them, I think we value things because we love them [Frankfurt]
The paradigm case of pure love is not romantic, but that between parents and infants [Frankfurt]
Love can be cool, and it may not involve liking its object [Frankfurt]
I value my children for their sake, but I also value my love for them for its own sake [Frankfurt]
Lovers adopt the interests of their beloved, rather than just valuing them [Solomon]
Love should be partial, and discriminate in favour of its object [Kekes]
Sentimental love distorts its object [Kekes]
Love is a mutual reciprocation, not just a desire for something [Cochrane]