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Single Idea 5290

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 9. Communism ]

Full Idea

The class making a revolution appears from the very start, if only because it is opposed to a 'class', not as a class but as the representative of the whole of society.

Gist of Idea

The revolutionary class is opposed to 'class', and represents all of society


K Marx / F Engels (The German Ideology [1846], §1.B)

Book Ref

Marx,K./Engels,F.: 'The German Ideology', ed/tr. Arthur,C.J. [Lawrence and Wishart 1985], p.66

A Reaction

This appears to be the source of most of the troubles of the last 150 years. Aristotle thought a benevolent tyrant could represent all of society. It looks to me as if a representative democracy has the best chance, but control of the media is tricky.

The 24 ideas from 'The German Ideology'

'Society determines consciousness' is contradictory; society only exists in minds [Weil on Marx/Engels]
Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life [Marx/Engels]
Language co-exists with consciousness, and makes it social [Marx/Engels]
The nature of an individual coincides with what they produce and how they produce it [Marx/Engels]
Consciousness is a social product [Marx/Engels]
Young Hegelians proposed changing our present consciousness for liberating critical consciousness [Marx/Engels]
Men distinguish themselves from animals when they begin to produce their means of subsistence [Marx/Engels]
Young Hegelians think consciousness is chains for men, where old Hegelians think it the bond of society [Marx/Engels]
In communist society we are not trapped in one activity, but can act freely [Marx/Engels]
If the common interest imposes on the individual, his actions become alienated and enslaving [Marx/Engels]
Philosophy is no more than abstractions concerning observations of human historical development [Marx/Engels]
Communism abolishes private property and dissolves the powerful world market [Marx/Engels]
Human history must always be studied in relation to industry and exchange [Marx/Engels]
Most historians are trapped in the illusions of their own epoch [Marx/Engels]
Philosophical problems are resolved into empirical facts [Marx/Engels]
Slavery cannot be abolished without the steam-engine [Marx/Engels]
The class controlling material production also controls mental production [Marx/Engels]
The revolutionary class is opposed to 'class', and represents all of society [Marx/Engels]
When aristocracy or the bourgeoisie dominate, certain values dominate with them [Marx/Engels]
The law says private property is the result of the general will [Marx/Engels]
Individuals are mutually hostile unless they group together in competition with other groups [Marx/Engels]
To assert themselves as individuals, the proletarians must overthrow the State [Marx/Engels]
Only in community are people able to cultivate their gifts, and therefore be free [Marx/Engels]
Producing their own subsistence distinguishes men from animals [Marx/Engels]