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Single Idea 5358

[filed under theme 12. Knowledge Sources / B. Perception / 4. Sense Data / a. Sense-data theory ]

Full Idea

Let us give the name 'sense-data' to the things that are immediately known in sensation: such things as colours, sounds, smells, hardnesses, roughnesses, and so on.

Gist of Idea

'Sense-data' are what are immediately known in sensation, such as colours or roughnesses


Bertrand Russell (Problems of Philosophy [1912], Ch. 1)

Book Ref

Russell,Bertrand: 'The Problems of Philosophy' [OUP 1995], p.4

A Reaction

This idea gradually became notorious, because it seems to create a new ontological category unnecessarily, and it creates problems, such as how the intermediary interacts with us and with things. Are sense-data totally non-conceptual?

The 87 ideas from 'Problems of Philosophy'

Russell (1912) said phenomena only resemble reality in abstract structure [Russell, by Robinson,H]
Russell's representationalism says primary qualities only show the structure of reality [Russell, by Robinson,H]
After 1912, Russell said sense-data are last in analysis, not first in experience [Russell, by Grayling]
If Russell rejects innate ideas and direct a priori knowledge, he is left with a tabula rasa [Russell, by Thompson]
Russell started philosophy of language, by declaring some plausible sentences to be meaningless [Russell, by Hart,WD]
The main aim of the multiple relations theory of judgement was to dispense with propositions [Russell, by Linsky,B]
It is natural to begin from experience, and presumably that is the basis of knowledge [Russell]
'Sense-data' are what are immediately known in sensation, such as colours or roughnesses [Russell]
It is not illogical to think that only myself and my mental events exist [Russell]
We have an 'instinctive' belief in the external world, prior to all reflection [Russell]
Descartes showed that subjective things are the most certain [Russell]
If the cat reappears in a new position, presumably it has passed through the intermediate positions [Russell]
Belief in real objects makes our account of experience simpler and more systematic [Russell]
It is hard not to believe that speaking humans are expressing thoughts, just as we do ourselves [Russell]
Dreams can be explained fairly scientifically if we assume a physical world [Russell]
Philosophers must get used to absurdities [Russell]
Philosophy verifies that our hierarchy of instinctive beliefs is harmonious and consistent [Russell]
It is rational to believe in reality, despite the lack of demonstrative reasons for it [Russell]
Because we depend on correspondence, we know relations better than we know the items that relate [Russell]
There is no reason to think that objects have colours [Russell]
Space is neutral between touch and sight, so it cannot really be either of them [Russell]
'Idealism' says that everything which exists is in some sense mental [Russell]
Knowledge of truths applies to judgements; knowledge by acquaintance applies to sensations and things [Russell]
I can know the existence of something with which nobody is acquainted [Russell]
In seeing the sun, we are acquainted with our self, but not as a permanent person [Russell]
In perceiving the sun, I am aware of sun sense-data, and of the perceiver of the data [Russell]
If we didn't know our own minds by introspection, we couldn't know that other people have minds [Russell]
We are acquainted with outer and inner sensation, memory, Self, and universals [Russell, by PG]
All knowledge (of things and of truths) rests on the foundations of acquaintance [Russell]
It is pure chance which descriptions in a person's mind make a name apply to an individual [Russell]
'Acquaintance' is direct awareness, without inferences or judgements [Russell]
Knowledge by descriptions enables us to transcend private experience [Russell]
A universal of which we are aware is called a 'concept' [Russell]
Every complete sentence must contain at least one word (a verb) which stands for a universal [Russell]
Proper names are really descriptions, and can be replaced by a description in a person's mind [Russell]
The phrase 'a so-and-so' is an 'ambiguous' description'; 'the so-and-so' (singular) is a 'definite' description [Russell]
We can't know that our laws are exceptionless, or even that there are any laws [Russell]
Every understood proposition is composed of constituents with which we are acquainted [Russell]
Science aims to find uniformities to which (within the limits of experience) there are no exceptions [Russell]
Chickens are not very good at induction, and are surprised when their feeder wrings their neck [Russell]
We can't prove induction from experience without begging the question [Russell]
It doesn't follow that because the future has always resembled the past, that it always will [Russell]
Three Laws of Thought: identity, contradiction, and excluded middle [Russell]
Maths is not known by induction, because further instances are not needed to support it [Russell]
Judgements of usefulness depend on judgements of value [Russell]
In any possible world we feel that two and two would be four [Russell]
The rationalists were right, because we know logical principles without experience [Russell]
The mortality of Socrates is more certain from induction than it is from deduction [Russell]
Demonstration always relies on the rule that anything implied by a truth is true [Russell]
The law of contradiction is not a 'law of thought', but a belief about things [Russell]
That Edinburgh is north of London is a non-mental fact, so relations are independent universals [Russell]
Normal existence is in time, so we must say that universals 'subsist' [Russell]
Propositions express relations (prepositions and verbs) as well as properties (nouns and adjectives) [Russell]
Confused views of reality result from thinking that only nouns and adjectives represent universals [Russell]
All universals are like the relation "is north of", in having no physical location at all [Russell, by Loux]
Russell claims that universals are needed to explain a priori knowledge (as their relations) [Russell, by Mellor/Oliver]
Every sentence contains at least one word denoting a universal, so we need universals to know truth [Russell]
If we identify whiteness with a thought, we can never think of it twice; whiteness is the object of a thought [Russell]
'Resemblance Nominalism' won't work, because the theory treats resemblance itself as a universal [Russell]
If we consider whiteness to be merely a mental 'idea', we rob it of its universality [Russell]
All a priori knowledge deals with the relations of universals [Russell]
We can know some general propositions by universals, when no instance can be given [Russell]
I learn the universal 'resemblance' by seeing two shades of green, and their contrast with red [Russell]
Images are not memory, because they are present, and memories are of the past [Russell]
Particular instances are more clearly self-evident than any general principles [Russell]
Some propositions are self-evident, but their implications may also be self-evident [Russell]
As shown by memory, self-evidence comes in degrees [Russell]
If self-evidence has degrees, we should accept the more self-evident as correct [Russell]
Belief relates a mind to several things other than itself [Russell]
In a world of mere matter there might be 'facts', but no truths [Russell]
Truth is a property of a belief, but dependent on its external relations, not its internal qualities [Russell]
Truth and falsehood are properties of beliefs and statements [Russell]
A good theory of truth must make falsehood possible [Russell]
More than one coherent body of beliefs seems possible [Russell]
If we suspend the law of contradiction, nothing will appear to be incoherent [Russell]
Truth as congruence may work for complex beliefs, but not for simple beliefs about existence [Joslin on Russell]
Beliefs are true if they have corresponding facts, and false if they don't [Russell]
The coherence theory says falsehood is failure to cohere, and truth is fitting into a complete system of Truth [Russell]
Coherence is not the meaning of truth, but an important test for truth [Russell]
Russell's 'multiple relations' theory says beliefs attach to ingredients, not to propositions [Russell, by Linsky,B]
Truth is when a mental state corresponds to a complex unity of external constituents [Russell]
In order to explain falsehood, a belief must involve several terms, not two [Russell]
A true belief is not knowledge if it is reached by bad reasoning [Russell]
True belief is not knowledge when it is deduced from false belief [Russell]
Knowledge cannot be precisely defined, as it merges into 'probable opinion' [Russell]
Philosophy is similar to science, and has no special source of wisdom [Russell]
Metaphysics cannot give knowledge of the universe as a whole [Russell]