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Single Idea 571

[filed under theme 16. Persons / D. Continuity of the Self / 1. Identity and the Self ]

Full Idea

Who, except the philosopher, is going to ask whether Socrates and Socrates seated is the same thing?

Gist of Idea

Is Socrates the same person when standing and when seated?


Aristotle (Metaphysics [c.324 BCE], 1004b01)

Book Ref

Aristotle: 'Metaphysics', ed/tr. Lawson-Tancred,Hugh [Penguin 1998], p.83

The 4 ideas with the same theme [deciding when two selves are actually identical]:

One soul can't be more or less of a soul than another [Plato]
Is Socrates the same person when standing and when seated? [Aristotle]
Psychologists are interested in identity as a type of person, but philosophers study numerical identity [Parfit]
Personal identity is a problem across time (diachronic) and at an instant (synchronic) [Lowe]