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Single Idea 5949

[filed under theme 12. Knowledge Sources / B. Perception / 2. Qualities in Perception / d. Secondary qualities ]

Full Idea

Epicurus says that colours are not intrinsic to bodies but a result of certain arrangements and positions relative to the eye, which implies that body is no more colourless than coloured.

Gist of Idea

Epicurus says colours are relative to the eye, not intrinsic to bodies


report of Epicurus (fragments/reports [c.289 BCE], Fr 30) by Plutarch - 74: Reply to Colotes §1110

Book Ref

Plutarch: 'Moralia - vol 14', ed/tr. Einarson,B. /De Lacy P.H. [Harvard Loeb 1967], p.207

A Reaction

This seems to me such a self-evident truth that I am puzzled as to why anyone would claim that colours are real features of bodies. Epicurus points out that entering a dark room we see no colour, but then colour appears after a while.

The 101 ideas from Epicurus

Nothing comes to be from what doesn't exist [Epicurus]
If we are to use words in enquiry, we need their main, unambiguous and uncontested meanings [Epicurus]
If disappearing things went to nothingness, nothing could return, and it would all be gone by now [Epicurus]
The totality is complete, so there is no room for it to change, and nothing extraneous to change it [Epicurus]
Space must exist, since movement is obvious, and there must be somewhere to move in [Epicurus]
Totality has no edge; an edge implies a contrast beyond the edge, and there can't be one [Epicurus]
Bodies are unlimited as well as void, since the two necessarily go together [Epicurus]
There exists an infinity of each shape of atom, but the number of shapes is beyond our knowledge [Epicurus]
Atoms just have shape, size and weight; colour results from their arrangement [Epicurus]
There are endless cosmoi, some like and some unlike this one [Epicurus]
Illusions are not false perceptions, as we accurately perceive the pattern of atoms [Epicurus, by Modrak]
Atoms only have shape, weight and size, and the properties which accompany shape [Epicurus]
There cannot be unlimited division, because it would reduce things to non-existence [Epicurus]
Above and below us will never appear to be the same, because it is inconceivable [Epicurus]
Observation and applied thought are always true [Epicurus]
The soul is fine parts distributed through the body, resembling hot breath [Epicurus]
The soul cannot be incorporeal, because then it could neither act nor be acted upon [Epicurus]
The void cannot interact, but just gives the possibility of motion [Epicurus]
The perceived accidental properties of bodies cannot be conceived of as independent natures [Epicurus]
Accidental properties give a body its nature, but are not themselves bodies or parts of bodies [Epicurus]
A 'body' is a conception of an aggregate, with properties defined by application conditions [Epicurus]
Bodies have impermanent properties, and permanent ones which define its conceived nature [Epicurus]
Astronomical movements are blessed, but they don't need the help of the gods [Epicurus]
We aim to know the natures which are observed in natural phenomena [Epicurus]
We aim to dissolve our fears, by understanding their causes [Epicurus]
Begin philosophy when you are young, and keep going when you are old [Epicurus]
Fearing death is absurd, because we are not present when it occurs [Epicurus]
It is absurd to fear the pain of death when you are not even facing it [Epicurus]
The wisdom that produces a good life also produces a good death [Epicurus]
Pleasure is the first good in life [Epicurus]
We only need pleasure when we have the pain of desire [Epicurus]
All pleasures are good, but it is not always right to choose them [Epicurus]
Pleasure is the goal, but as lack of pain and calm mind, not as depraved or greedy pleasure [Epicurus]
True pleasure is not debauchery, but freedom from physical and mental pain [Epicurus]
Prudence is more valuable than philosophy, because it avoids confusions of the soul [Epicurus]
The best life is not sensuality, but rational choice and healthy opinion [Epicurus]
Prudence is the greatest good, and more valuable than philosophy, because it produces virtue [Epicurus]
Our own choices are autonomous, and the basis for praise and blame [Epicurus]
We should not refer things to irresponsible necessity, but either to fortune or to our own will [Epicurus]
Sooner follow mythology, than accept the 'fate' of natural philosophers [Epicurus]
Sooner a good decision going wrong, than a bad one turning out for the good [Epicurus]
God does not intervene in heavenly movements, but is beyond all action and perfectly happy [Epicurus]
A cosmos is a collection of stars and an earth, with some sort of boundary, movement and shape [Epicurus]
We should accept as explanations all the plausible ways in which something could come about [Epicurus]
The rational soul is in the chest, and the non-rational soul is spread through the body [Epicurus]
Epicurus was the first to see the free will problem, and he was a libertarian [Epicurus, by Long/Sedley]
Epicurus showed that the swerve can give free motion in the atoms [Epicurus, by Diogenes of Oen.]
We can't seek for things if we have no idea of them [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
To name something, you must already have an idea of what it is [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
Sensations cannot be judged, because similar sensations have equal value, and different ones have nothing in common [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
The criteria of truth are senses, preconceptions and passions [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
Bath water is too hot for some, too cold for others [Epicurus, by Plutarch]
When entering a dark room it is colourless, but colour gradually appears [Epicurus]
Epicurus denied knowledge in order to retain morality or hedonism as the highest values [Nietzsche on Epicurus]
Epicurus says if one of a man's senses ever lies, none of his senses should ever be believed [Epicurus, by Cicero]
Fine things are worthless if they give no pleasure [Epicurus]
We choose virtue because of pleasure, not for its own sake [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
Reason can't judge senses, as it is based on them [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
If two people disagree over taste, who is right? [Epicurus, by Plutarch]
Epicurus saw that gods must exist, because nature has imprinted them on human minds [Epicurus, by Cicero]
If god answered prayers we would be destroyed, because we pray for others to suffer [Epicurus]
Democritus says atoms have size and shape, and Epicurus added weight [Epicurus, by Ps-Plutarch]
Atoms don't swerve by being struck, because they move in parallel, so the swerve is uncaused [Cicero on Epicurus]
What causes atomic swerves? Do they draw lots? What decides the size or number of swerves? [Cicero on Epicurus]
It was Epicurus who made the question of the will's freedom central to ethics [Epicurus, by Grayling]
Friendship is by far the most important ingredient of a complete and happy life [Epicurus]
How can pleasure or judgement occur in a heap of atoms? [Sext.Empiricus on Epicurus]
Soul is made of four stuffs, giving warmth, rest, motion and perception [Epicurus, by Aetius]
The end for Epicurus is static pleasure [Epicurus, by Annas]
Pains of the soul are worse than pains of the body, because it feels the past and future [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
Pleasures only differ in their duration and the part of the body affected [Epicurus]
Pleasure is the chief good because it is the most natural, especially for animals [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
For Epicureans gods are made of atoms, and are not eternal [Epicurus, by Cicero]
Stoics say time is incorporeal and self-sufficient; Epicurus says it is a property of properties of things [Epicurus]
Some say Epicurus only pretended to believe in the gods, so as not to offend Athenians [Epicurus, by Cicero]
Epicurus accepted God in his popular works, but not in his writings on nature [Epicurus, by Sext.Empiricus]
Philosophy aims at a happy life, through argument and discussion [Epicurus]
Justice has no independent existence, but arises entirely from keeping contracts [Epicurus]
Wise men should partake of life even if they go blind [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
Only Epicurus denied purpose in nature, for the whole world, or for its parts [Epicurus, by Annas]
A wise man would be happy even under torture [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius]
We should come to philosophy free from any taint of culture [Epicurus]
Epicurus despises and laughs at the whole of dialectic [Epicurus, by Cicero]
We should say nothing of the whole if our contact is with the parts [Epicurus, by Plutarch]
Epicurus rejected excluded middle, because accepting it for events is fatalistic [Epicurus, by Cicero]
Epicureans say disjunctions can be true whiile the disjuncts are not true [Epicurus, by Cicero]
Slavery to philosophy brings true freedom [Epicurus]
There is no necessity to live with necessity [Epicurus]
The aim of medicine is removal of sickness, and philosophy similarly removes our affections [Epicurus]
Epicurus says colours are relative to the eye, not intrinsic to bodies [Epicurus, by Plutarch]
Bodies are combinations of shape, size, resistance and weight [Epicurus]
We value our own character, whatever it is, and we should respect the characters of others [Epicurus]
In the study of philosophy, pleasure and knowledge arrive simultaneously [Epicurus]
Justice is a pledge of mutual protection [Epicurus]
It is a great good to show reverence for a wise man [Epicurus]
Justice is merely a contract about not harming or being harmed [Epicurus]
A law is not just if it is not useful in mutual associations [Epicurus]
It is small-minded to find many good reasons for suicide [Epicurus]
If everything is by necessity, then even denials of necessity are by necessity [Epicurus]
Pleasure and virtue entail one another [Epicurus]
What happens to me if I obtain all my desires, and what if I fail? [Epicurus]