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Single Idea 6412

[filed under theme 5. Theory of Logic / F. Referring in Logic / 2. Descriptions / c. Theory of definite descriptions ]

Full Idea

Russell's analysis of 'the baby is crying' seems to imply that this can only be true if there is just one baby in the world; dispose of the objection, it seems necessary to appeal implicitly or explicitly to a 'domain of discourse'.

Gist of Idea

Russell implies that 'the baby is crying' is only true if the baby is unique


comment on Bertrand Russell (On Denoting [1905]) by A.C. Grayling - Russell Ch.2

Book Ref

Grayling,A.C.: 'Russell' [OUP 1996], p.37

A Reaction

This objection leads to ordinary language philosophy, and the 'pragmatics' of language. It is standard in modern predicate logic to specify the domain over which an expression is quantified.

The 46 ideas from 'On Denoting'

Names don't have a sense, but are disguised definite descriptions [Russell, by Sawyer]
Russell says names are not denotations, but definite descriptions in disguise [Russell, by Kripke]
Russell says a name contributes a complex of properties, rather than an object [Russell, by Sawyer]
Are names descriptions, if the description is unknown, false, not special, or contains names? [McCullogh on Russell]
The meaning of a logically proper name is its referent, but most names are not logically proper [Russell, by Soames]
Logically proper names introduce objects; definite descriptions introduce quantifications [Russell, by Bach]
Critics say definite descriptions can refer, and may not embody both uniqueness and existence claims [Grayling on Russell]
Definite descriptions fail to refer in three situations, so they aren't essentially referring [Russell, by Sainsbury]
Russell's theory must be wrong if it says all statements about non-existents are false [Read on Russell]
The theory of descriptions eliminates the name of the entity whose existence was presupposed [Russell, by Quine]
Russell's theory explains non-existents, negative existentials, identity problems, and substitutivity [Russell, by Lycan]
Russell showed how to define 'the', and thereby reduce the ontology of logic [Russell, by Lackey]
The theory of definite descriptions reduces the definite article 'the' to the concepts of predicate logic [Russell, by Horwich]
Russell implies that 'the baby is crying' is only true if the baby is unique [Grayling on Russell]
Russell explained descriptions with quantifiers, where Frege treated them as names [Russell, by McCullogh]
Russell avoids non-existent objects by denying that definite descriptions are proper names [Russell, by Miller,A]
Denying definite description sentences are subject-predicate in form blocks two big problems [Russell, by Forbes,G]
Russell says apparent referring expressions are really assertions about properties [Russell, by Cooper,DE]
The theory of descriptions lacks conventions for the scope of quantifiers [Lackey on Russell]
Non-count descriptions don't threaten Russell's theory, which is only about singulars [Laycock on Russell]
Denoting is crucial in Russell's account of mathematics, for identifying classes [Russell, by Monk]
Russell's analysis means molecular sentences are ambiguous over the scope of the description [Kaplan on Russell]
Existence is entirely expressed by the existential quantifier [Russell, by McGinn]
Russell showed that descriptions may not have ontological commitment [Russell, by Linsky,B]
The Theory of Description dropped classes and numbers, leaving propositions, individuals and universals [Russell, by Monk]
Russell can't attribute existence to properties [McGinn on Russell]
If the King of France is not bald, and not not-bald, this violates excluded middle [Linsky,B on Russell]
A definite description 'denotes' an entity if it fits the description uniquely [Russell, by Recanati]
Russell argued with great plausibility that we rarely, if ever, refer with our words [Russell, by Cooper,DE]
Referring is not denoting, and Russell ignores the referential use of definite descriptions [Donnellan on Russell]
Russell started a whole movement in philosophy by providing an analysis of descriptions [Read on Russell]
Russell's theories aim to preserve excluded middle (saying all sentences are T or F) [Sawyer on Russell]
Russell implies that all sentences containing empty names are false [Sawyer on Russell]
'Elizabeth = Queen of England' is really a predication, not an identity-statement [Russell, by Lycan]
"Nobody" is not a singular term, but a quantifier [Russell, by Lycan]
Russell rewrote singular term names as predicates [Russell, by Ayer]
By eliminating descriptions from primitive notation, Russell seems to reject 'sense' [Russell, by Kripke]
Russell assumes that expressions refer, but actually speakers refer by using expressions [Cooper,DE on Russell]
Russell rejected sense/reference, because it made direct acquaintance with things impossible [Russell, by Recanati]
'Sense' is superfluous (rather than incoherent) [Russell, by Miller,A]
The theory of definite descriptions aims at finding correct truth conditions [Russell, by Lycan]
The idea of a variable is fundamental [Russell]
Denoting phrases are meaningless, but guarantee meaning for propositions [Russell]
In 'Scott is the author of Waverley', denotation is identical, but meaning is different [Russell]
The ontological argument begins with an unproven claim that 'there exists an x..' [Russell]
In graspable propositions the constituents are real entities of acquaintance [Russell]