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Single Idea 6541

[filed under theme 17. Mind and Body / C. Functionalism / 1. Functionalism ]

Full Idea

The functionalist must find a level of characterisation of mental states that is not so abstract or behaviouristic as to rule out the possibility of inverted spectrum etc., nor so specific and structural as to fall into chauvinism.


'Chauvinistic' implies that only human brains could have most of our experiences

Gist of Idea

Functionalism must not be too abstract to allow inverted spectrum, or so structural that it becomes chauvinistic


William Lycan (Consciousness [1987], 5.4)

Book Ref

Lycan,William G.: 'Consciousness' [MIT 1995], p.54

A Reaction

If too specific then animals and aliens won't be able to implement the necessary functions; if the theory becomes very behaviouristic, then it loses interest in the possibility of an inverted spectrum. He is certainly right to hunt for a middle ground.

The 43 ideas from William Lycan

If energy in the brain disappears into thin air, this breaches physical conservation laws [Lycan]
In lower animals, psychology is continuous with chemistry, and humans are continuous with animals [Lycan]
I see the 'role'/'occupant' distinction as fundamental to metaphysics [Lycan]
Types cannot be reduced, but levels of reduction are varied groupings of the same tokens [Lycan]
Institutions are not reducible as types, but they are as tokens [Lycan]
One location may contain molecules, a metal strip, a key, an opener of doors, and a human tragedy [Lycan]
Teleological characterisations shade off smoothly into brutely physical ones [Lycan]
Mental types are a subclass of teleological types at a high level of functional abstraction [Lycan]
We reduce the mind through homuncular groups, described abstractly by purpose [Lycan]
Teleological functionalism helps us to understand psycho-biological laws [Lycan]
The distinction between software and hardware is not clear in computing [Lycan]
Teleological views allow for false intentional content, unlike causal and nomological theories [Lycan]
We need a notion of teleology that comes in degrees [Lycan]
Functionalism must not be too abstract to allow inverted spectrum, or so structural that it becomes chauvinistic [Lycan]
A Martian may exhibit human-like behaviour while having very different sensations [Lycan]
Intentionality comes in degrees [Lycan]
Identity theory is functionalism, but located at the lowest level of abstraction [Lycan]
If functionalism focuses on folk psychology, it ignores lower levels of function [Lycan]
Pain is composed of urges, desires, impulses etc, at different levels of abstraction [Lycan]
The right 'level' for qualia is uncertain, though top (behaviourism) and bottom (particles) are false [Lycan]
I think greenness is a complex microphysical property of green objects [Lycan]
Physicalism requires the naturalisation or rejection of set theory [Lycan]
'Physical' means either figuring in physics descriptions, or just located in space-time [Lycan]
Two behaviourists meet. The first says,"You're fine; how am I?" [Lycan]
People are trying to explain biological teleology in naturalistic causal terms [Lycan]
'Lightning is electric discharge' and 'Phosphorus is Venus' are synthetic a posteriori identities [Lycan]
Functionalism has three linked levels: physical, functional, and mental [Lycan]
A mental state is a functional realisation of a brain state when it serves the purpose of the organism [Lycan]
Biologists see many organic levels, 'abstract' if seen from below, 'structural' if seen from above [Lycan]
Singular terms refer, using proper names, definite descriptions, singular personal pronouns, demonstratives, etc. [Lycan]
It is hard to state a rule of use for a proper name [Lycan]
Could I successfully use an expression, without actually understanding it? [Lycan]
Meaning must be known before we can consider verification [Lycan]
The truth conditions theory sees meaning as representation [Lycan]
Truth conditions will come out the same for sentences with 'renate' or 'cordate' [Lycan]
A sentence's truth conditions is the set of possible worlds in which the sentence is true [Lycan]
Possible worlds explain aspects of meaning neatly - entailment, for example, is the subset relation [Lycan]
Maybe Ockham's Razor is a purely aesthetic principle [Lycan]
The Razor seems irrelevant for Meinongians, who allow absolutely everything to exist [Lycan]
Treating possible worlds as mental needs more actual mental events [Lycan]
If 'worlds' are sentences, and possibility their consistency, consistency may rely on possibility [Lycan]
Maybe non-existent objects are sets of properties [Lycan]
Possible worlds must be made of intensional objects like propositions or properties [Lycan]