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Single Idea 6554

[filed under theme 17. Mind and Body / B. Behaviourism / 4. Behaviourism Critique ]

Full Idea

Old joke: two Behaviourists meet in the street, and the first says,"You're fine; how am I?"

Gist of Idea

Two behaviourists meet. The first says,"You're fine; how am I?"


William Lycan (Consciousness [1987], n1.6)

Book Ref

Lycan,William G.: 'Consciousness' [MIT 1995], p.131

A Reaction

This invites the response that introspection is uniquely authoritative about 'how we are', but this has been challenged quite a lot recently, which pushes us to consider whether these stupid behaviourists might actually have a good point.

The 43 ideas from William Lycan

If energy in the brain disappears into thin air, this breaches physical conservation laws [Lycan]
In lower animals, psychology is continuous with chemistry, and humans are continuous with animals [Lycan]
I see the 'role'/'occupant' distinction as fundamental to metaphysics [Lycan]
Types cannot be reduced, but levels of reduction are varied groupings of the same tokens [Lycan]
Institutions are not reducible as types, but they are as tokens [Lycan]
One location may contain molecules, a metal strip, a key, an opener of doors, and a human tragedy [Lycan]
Teleological characterisations shade off smoothly into brutely physical ones [Lycan]
Mental types are a subclass of teleological types at a high level of functional abstraction [Lycan]
We reduce the mind through homuncular groups, described abstractly by purpose [Lycan]
Teleological functionalism helps us to understand psycho-biological laws [Lycan]
The distinction between software and hardware is not clear in computing [Lycan]
Teleological views allow for false intentional content, unlike causal and nomological theories [Lycan]
We need a notion of teleology that comes in degrees [Lycan]
Functionalism must not be too abstract to allow inverted spectrum, or so structural that it becomes chauvinistic [Lycan]
A Martian may exhibit human-like behaviour while having very different sensations [Lycan]
Intentionality comes in degrees [Lycan]
Identity theory is functionalism, but located at the lowest level of abstraction [Lycan]
If functionalism focuses on folk psychology, it ignores lower levels of function [Lycan]
Pain is composed of urges, desires, impulses etc, at different levels of abstraction [Lycan]
The right 'level' for qualia is uncertain, though top (behaviourism) and bottom (particles) are false [Lycan]
I think greenness is a complex microphysical property of green objects [Lycan]
Physicalism requires the naturalisation or rejection of set theory [Lycan]
'Physical' means either figuring in physics descriptions, or just located in space-time [Lycan]
Two behaviourists meet. The first says,"You're fine; how am I?" [Lycan]
People are trying to explain biological teleology in naturalistic causal terms [Lycan]
'Lightning is electric discharge' and 'Phosphorus is Venus' are synthetic a posteriori identities [Lycan]
Functionalism has three linked levels: physical, functional, and mental [Lycan]
A mental state is a functional realisation of a brain state when it serves the purpose of the organism [Lycan]
Biologists see many organic levels, 'abstract' if seen from below, 'structural' if seen from above [Lycan]
Singular terms refer, using proper names, definite descriptions, singular personal pronouns, demonstratives, etc. [Lycan]
It is hard to state a rule of use for a proper name [Lycan]
Could I successfully use an expression, without actually understanding it? [Lycan]
Meaning must be known before we can consider verification [Lycan]
The truth conditions theory sees meaning as representation [Lycan]
Truth conditions will come out the same for sentences with 'renate' or 'cordate' [Lycan]
A sentence's truth conditions is the set of possible worlds in which the sentence is true [Lycan]
Possible worlds explain aspects of meaning neatly - entailment, for example, is the subset relation [Lycan]
Maybe Ockham's Razor is a purely aesthetic principle [Lycan]
The Razor seems irrelevant for Meinongians, who allow absolutely everything to exist [Lycan]
Treating possible worlds as mental needs more actual mental events [Lycan]
If 'worlds' are sentences, and possibility their consistency, consistency may rely on possibility [Lycan]
Maybe non-existent objects are sets of properties [Lycan]
Possible worlds must be made of intensional objects like propositions or properties [Lycan]