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Single Idea 6618

[filed under theme 9. Objects / E. Objects over Time / 2. Objects that Change ]

Full Idea

By 'substance', in the context of the mind, we mean a persisting object or thing which can undergo changes in its properties over time while remaining one and the same thing.

Gist of Idea

A 'substance' is a thing that remains the same when its properties change


E.J. Lowe (Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind [2000], Ch. 2)

Book Ref

Lowe,E.J.: 'Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind' [CUP 2000], p.13

A Reaction

A neat account of the traditional philosophical notion of a substance. It invites the obvious question of how you know that a thing is the same if all of its properties seem to have changed (as with Descartes' wax). Epistemology discredits ontology.

The 45 ideas from 'Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind'

The main questions are: is mind distinct from body, and does it have unique properties? [Lowe]
If propositions are abstract entities, how can minds depend on their causal powers? [Lowe]
Perhaps 'I' no more refers than the 'it' in 'it is raining' [Lowe]
A 'substance' is a thing that remains the same when its properties change [Lowe]
'Phenomenal' consciousness is of qualities; 'apperceptive' consciousness includes beliefs and desires [Lowe]
Non-reductive physicalism accepts token-token identity (not type-type) and asserts 'supervenience' of mind and brain [Lowe]
If qualia are causally inert, how can we even know about them? [Lowe]
Functionalism can't distinguish our experiences in spectrum inversion [Lowe]
Functionalism commits us to bizarre possibilities, such as 'zombies' [Lowe]
Functionalism only discusses relational properties of mental states, not intrinsic properties [Lowe]
You can only identify behaviour by ascribing belief, so the behaviour can't explain the belief [Lowe]
Eliminativism is incoherent if it eliminates reason and truth as well as propositional attitudes [Lowe]
Physicalists must believe in narrow content (because thoughts are merely the brain states) [Lowe]
The naturalistic views of how content is created are the causal theory and the teleological theory [Lowe]
Twin Earth cases imply that even beliefs about kinds of stuff are indexical [Lowe]
The same proposition provides contents for the that-clause of an utterance and a belief [Lowe]
Causal theories of belief make all beliefs true, and can't explain belief about the future [Lowe]
How could one paraphrase very complex sense-data reports adverbially? [Lowe]
Psychologists say illusions only occur in unnatural and passive situations [Lowe]
Externalists say minds depend on environment for their very existence and identity [Lowe]
The brain may have two systems for vision, with only the older one intact in blindsight [Lowe]
The 'disjunctive' theory of perception says true perceptions and hallucinations need have nothing in common [Lowe]
A causal theorist can be a direct realist, if all objects of perception are external [Lowe]
If blindsight shows we don't need perceptual experiences, the causal theory is wrong [Lowe]
'Ecological' approaches say we don't infer information, but pick it up directly from reality [Lowe]
One must be able to visually recognise a table, as well as knowing its form [Lowe]
Computationalists object that the 'ecological' approach can't tell us how we get the information [Lowe]
Comparing shapes is proportional in time to the angle of rotation [Lowe]
Some behaviourists believe thought is just suppressed speech [Lowe]
'Base rate neglect' makes people favour the evidence over its background [Lowe]
People are wildly inaccurate in estimating probabilities about an observed event [Lowe]
The 'Frame Problem' is how to program the appropriate application of general knowledge [Lowe]
A computer program is equivalent to the person AND the manual [Lowe]
The Turing test is too behaviourist, and too verbal in its methods [Lowe]
Syntactical methods of proof need only structure, where semantic methods (truth-tables) need truth [Lowe]
Computers can't be rational, because they lack motivation and curiosity [Lowe]
The three main theories of action involve the will, or belief-plus-desire, or an agent [Lowe]
Libet gives empirical support for the will, as a kind of 'executive' mental operation [Lowe]
We feel belief and desire as reasons for choice, not causes of choice [Lowe]
People's actions are explained either by their motives, or their reasons, or the causes [Lowe]
Persons are selves - subjects of experience, with reflexive self-knowledge [Lowe]
If my brain could survive on its own, I cannot be identical with my whole body [Lowe]
It seems impossible to get generally applicable mental concepts from self-observation [Lowe]
All human languages have an equivalent of the word 'I' [Lowe]
There are memories of facts, memories of practical skills, and autobiographical memory [Lowe]