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Single Idea 6665

[filed under theme 16. Persons / A. Concept of a Person / 1. Existence of Persons ]

Full Idea

I suggest that persons are selves - that is, they are subjects of experience which have the capacity to recognised themselves as being individual subjects of experience; selves possess reflexive self-knowledge.

Gist of Idea

Persons are selves - subjects of experience, with reflexive self-knowledge


E.J. Lowe (Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind [2000], Ch.10)

Book Ref

Lowe,E.J.: 'Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind' [CUP 2000], p.264

A Reaction

I would express this as 'a capacity for meta-thought'. I increasingly see that as the hallmark of homo sapiens, and the key quality I look for in assessing the intelligence of aliens. Very intelligent people are exceptionally self-aware.

The 45 ideas from 'Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind'

The main questions are: is mind distinct from body, and does it have unique properties? [Lowe]
If propositions are abstract entities, how can minds depend on their causal powers? [Lowe]
A 'substance' is a thing that remains the same when its properties change [Lowe]
Perhaps 'I' no more refers than the 'it' in 'it is raining' [Lowe]
'Phenomenal' consciousness is of qualities; 'apperceptive' consciousness includes beliefs and desires [Lowe]
If qualia are causally inert, how can we even know about them? [Lowe]
You can only identify behaviour by ascribing belief, so the behaviour can't explain the belief [Lowe]
Functionalism can't distinguish our experiences in spectrum inversion [Lowe]
Functionalism only discusses relational properties of mental states, not intrinsic properties [Lowe]
Functionalism commits us to bizarre possibilities, such as 'zombies' [Lowe]
Non-reductive physicalism accepts token-token identity (not type-type) and asserts 'supervenience' of mind and brain [Lowe]
Eliminativism is incoherent if it eliminates reason and truth as well as propositional attitudes [Lowe]
Physicalists must believe in narrow content (because thoughts are merely the brain states) [Lowe]
The naturalistic views of how content is created are the causal theory and the teleological theory [Lowe]
Twin Earth cases imply that even beliefs about kinds of stuff are indexical [Lowe]
The same proposition provides contents for the that-clause of an utterance and a belief [Lowe]
Causal theories of belief make all beliefs true, and can't explain belief about the future [Lowe]
How could one paraphrase very complex sense-data reports adverbially? [Lowe]
Psychologists say illusions only occur in unnatural and passive situations [Lowe]
Externalists say minds depend on environment for their very existence and identity [Lowe]
The 'disjunctive' theory of perception says true perceptions and hallucinations need have nothing in common [Lowe]
A causal theorist can be a direct realist, if all objects of perception are external [Lowe]
If blindsight shows we don't need perceptual experiences, the causal theory is wrong [Lowe]
The brain may have two systems for vision, with only the older one intact in blindsight [Lowe]
'Ecological' approaches say we don't infer information, but pick it up directly from reality [Lowe]
One must be able to visually recognise a table, as well as knowing its form [Lowe]
Computationalists object that the 'ecological' approach can't tell us how we get the information [Lowe]
Comparing shapes is proportional in time to the angle of rotation [Lowe]
Some behaviourists believe thought is just suppressed speech [Lowe]
People are wildly inaccurate in estimating probabilities about an observed event [Lowe]
'Base rate neglect' makes people favour the evidence over its background [Lowe]
The 'Frame Problem' is how to program the appropriate application of general knowledge [Lowe]
A computer program is equivalent to the person AND the manual [Lowe]
Syntactical methods of proof need only structure, where semantic methods (truth-tables) need truth [Lowe]
The Turing test is too behaviourist, and too verbal in its methods [Lowe]
The three main theories of action involve the will, or belief-plus-desire, or an agent [Lowe]
Libet gives empirical support for the will, as a kind of 'executive' mental operation [Lowe]
We feel belief and desire as reasons for choice, not causes of choice [Lowe]
People's actions are explained either by their motives, or their reasons, or the causes [Lowe]
Computers can't be rational, because they lack motivation and curiosity [Lowe]
There are memories of facts, memories of practical skills, and autobiographical memory [Lowe]
Persons are selves - subjects of experience, with reflexive self-knowledge [Lowe]
If my brain could survive on its own, I cannot be identical with my whole body [Lowe]
It seems impossible to get generally applicable mental concepts from self-observation [Lowe]
All human languages have an equivalent of the word 'I' [Lowe]