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Single Idea 6833

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / D. Justice / 3. Punishment / c. Deterrence of crime ]

Full Idea

As for the man or woman who is guilty of theft, cut off their hands to punish them for their crimes.

Gist of Idea

Punish theft in men or women by cutting off their hands


Mohammed (The Koran [c.622], Ch.5)

Book Ref

Mohammed: 'The Koran', ed/tr. Dawood,N.J. [Penguin 1968], p.381

A Reaction

I find this shocking because it is irrevocable and offers no hope of redemption. It is particularly shocking that the text does not enjoin any caution about inflicting the punishment on the young, most of whom reform from thieving in later life.

The 23 ideas from 'The Koran'

There shall be no compulsion in religion [Mohammed]
Unbelievers try to interpret the ambiguous parts of the Koran, simply to create dissension [Mohammed]
He that kills a believer by design shall burn in Hell for ever [Mohammed]
Unbelievers will have their skin repeatedly burned off in hell [Mohammed]
Punish theft in men or women by cutting off their hands [Mohammed]
Killing a human, except as just punishment, is like killing all mankind [Mohammed]
You may break off a treaty if you fear treachery from your ally [Mohammed]
Make war on the unbelievers until Allah's religion reigns supreme [Mohammed]
The Koran is certainly composed by Allah; no one could compose a chapter like it [Mohammed]
Allah cannot have begotten a son, as He is self-sufficient [Mohammed]
The unbelievers shall drink boiling water [Mohammed]
Do not kill except for a just cause [Mohammed]
True believers see that Allah made the night for rest and the day to give light [Mohammed]
Do not split into sects, exulting in separate beliefs [Mohammed]
Allah rewards those who are devout, sincere, patient, humble, charitable, chaste, and who fast [Mohammed]
Repay evil with good and your enemies will become friends (though this is hard) [Mohammed]
Those who avenge themselves when wronged incur no guilt [Mohammed]
I created mankind that it might worship Me [Mohammed]
The righteous shall dwell on couches in gardens, wedded to dark-eyed houris [Mohammed]
Heaven will be reclining on couches, eating fruit, attended by virgins [Mohammed]
Be patient with unbelievers, and leave them to the judgement of Allah [Mohammed]
Instead of prayer and charity, sinners pursue vain disputes and want their own personal scripture [Mohammed]
Allah is lord of creation, compassionate, merciful, king of judgement-day [Mohammed]