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Single Idea 6954

[filed under theme 2. Reason / A. Nature of Reason / 6. Coherence ]

Full Idea

A set of unrelated beliefs seems less coherent than a tightly organized conceptual scheme that contains explanatory principles that make sense of most of your beliefs; this is why inference to the best explanation is an attractive pattern of inference.

Gist of Idea

A coherent conceptual scheme contains best explanations of most of your beliefs


Gilbert Harman (Rationality [1995], 1.5.2)

Book Ref

Harman,Gilbert: 'Reasoning Meaning and Mind' [OUP 1999], p.33

A Reaction

I find this a very appealing proposal. The central aim of rational thought seems to me to be best explanation, and I increasingly think that most of my beliefs rest on their apparent coherence, rather than their foundations.

The 6 ideas from 'Rationality'

You can be rational with undetected or minor inconsistencies [Harman]
Ordinary rationality is conservative, starting from where your beliefs currently are [Harman]
All reasoning is inductive, and deduction only concerns implication [Harman]
Induction is 'defeasible', since additional information can invalidate it [Harman]
Enumerative induction is inference to the best explanation [Harman]
A coherent conceptual scheme contains best explanations of most of your beliefs [Harman]