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Single Idea 7052

[filed under theme 12. Knowledge Sources / B. Perception / 2. Qualities in Perception / d. Secondary qualities ]

Full Idea

Theories that take colours to be properties of the surfaces of objects have difficulty accounting for a host of phenomena including coloured light emitted by radiant sources and so-called film colours (the colour of the sky, for instance).

Gist of Idea

Colours aren't surface properties, because of radiant sources and the colour of the sky


John Heil (From an Ontological Point of View [2003], 17.4)

Book Ref

Heil,John: 'From an Ontological Point of View' [OUP 2005], p.201

A Reaction

Personally I never thought that colours might be actual properties of surfaces, but it is nice to have spelled out a couple of instances that make it very implausible. Neon and sodium lights I take to be examples of the first case.

The 54 ideas from 'From an Ontological Point of View'

If you begin philosophy with language, you find yourself trapped in it [Heil]
The view that truth making is entailment is misguided and misleading [Heil]
There are levels of organisation, complexity, description and explanation, but not of reality [Heil]
I think of properties as simultaneously dispositional and qualitative [Heil]
Similarity among modes will explain everthing universals were for [Heil]
Trope theorists usually see objects as 'bundles' of tropes [Heil]
Dispositionality provides the grounding for intentionality [Heil]
Qualia are not extra appendages, but intrinsic ingredients of material states and processes [Heil]
If propositions are states of affairs or sets of possible worlds, these lack truth values [Heil]
If a car is a higher-level entity, distinct from its parts, how could it ever do anything? [Heil]
The Picture Theory claims we can read reality from our ways of speaking about it [Heil]
A predicate applies truly if it picks out a real property of objects [Heil]
Objects are substances, which are objects considered as the bearer of properties [Heil]
The reductionist programme dispenses with levels of reality [Heil]
The standard view is that causal sequences are backed by laws, and between particular events [Heil]
Maybe there is only one substance, space-time or a quantum field [Heil]
Concepts don't carve up the world, which has endless overlooked or ignored divisions [Heil]
If the world is theory-dependent, the theories themselves can't be theory-dependent [Heil]
Powers or dispositions are usually seen as caused by lower-level qualities [Heil]
Are a property's dispositions built in, or contingently added? [Heil]
Science is sometimes said to classify powers, neglecting qualities [Heil]
Functionalists say objects can be the same in disposition but differ in quality [Heil]
If properties were qualities without dispositions, they would be undetectable [Heil]
Can we distinguish the way a property is from the property? [Heil]
Properties don't possess ways they are, because that just is the property [Heil]
Objects join sets because of properties; the property is not bestowed by set membership [Heil]
Universals explain one-over-many relations, and similar qualities, and similar behaviour [Heil]
The real natural properties are sparse, but there are many complex properties [Heil]
God does not create the world, and then add the classes [Heil]
Parsimony does not imply the world is simple, but that our theories should try to be [Heil]
A theory with few fundamental principles might still posit a lot of entities [Heil]
How could you tell if the universals were missing from a world of instances? [Heil]
Secondary qualities are just primary qualities considered in the light of their effect on us [Heil]
Realism says some of our concepts 'cut nature at the joints' [Heil]
Similar objects have similar properties; properties are directly similar [Heil]
A theory of universals says similarity is identity of parts; for modes, similarity is primitive [Heil]
Multiple realisability is actually one predicate applying to a diverse range of properties [Heil]
Rather than 'substance' I use 'objects', which have properties [Heil]
Statues and bronze lumps have discernible differences, so can't be identical [Heil]
Do we reduce statues to bronze, or eliminate statues, or allow statues and bronze? [Heil]
Objects only have secondary qualities because they have primary qualities [Heil]
Colours aren't surface properties, because of radiant sources and the colour of the sky [Heil]
Treating colour as light radiation has the implausible result that tomatoes are not red [Heil]
Intentionality now has internalist (intrinsic to thinkers) and externalist (environment or community) views [Heil]
Intentionality is based in dispositions, which are intrinsic to agents, suggesting internalism [Heil]
Externalism is causal-historical, or social, or biological [Heil]
One form of explanation is by decomposition [Heil]
The 'explanatory gap' is used to say consciousness is inexplicable, at least with current concepts [Heil]
Philosophers' zombies aim to show consciousness is over and above the physical world [Heil]
Functionalism cannot explain consciousness just by functional organisation [Heil]
Zombies are based on the idea that consciousness relates contingently to the physical [Heil]
Functionalists deny zombies, since identity of functional state means identity of mental state [Heil]
If the world is just texts or social constructs, what are texts and social constructs? [Heil]
Anti-realists who reduce reality to language must explain the existence of language [Heil]