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Single Idea 7115

[filed under theme 16. Persons / E. Rejecting the Self / 4. Denial of the Self ]

Full Idea

Might it not be precisely the reflective act that brings the me into being in reflected consciousness?

Gist of Idea

Maybe it is the act of reflection that brings 'me' into existence


Jean-Paul Sartre (Transcendence of the Ego [1937], I (B))

Book Ref

Sartre,Jean-Paul: 'The Transcendence of the Ego' [Routledge 2004], p.11

A Reaction

He admits some sort of self a second-order entity, but this is 'transcendental', and essentially an illusion. This elimination of the first-order self clears the way for the existential view, that we can create whatever self we want. I disagree.

The 21 ideas from 'Transcendence of the Ego'

Since we are a consciousness, Sartre entirely rejected the unconscious mind [Sartre, by Daigle]
The Ego is not formally or materially part of consciousness, but is outside in the world [Sartre]
A consciousness can conceive of no other consciousness than itself [Sartre]
The eternal truth of 2+2=4 is what gives unity to the mind which regularly thinks it [Sartre]
Consciousness exists as consciousness of itself [Sartre]
Intentionality defines, transcends and unites consciousness [Sartre]
If you think of '2+2=4' as the content of thought, the self must be united transcendentally [Sartre]
If the 'I' is transcendental, it unnecessarily splits consciousness in two [Sartre]
Maybe it is the act of reflection that brings 'me' into existence [Sartre]
Phenomenology assumes that all consciousness is of something [Sartre]
When we are unreflective (as when chasing a tram) there is no 'I' [Sartre]
How could two I's, the reflective and the reflected, communicate with each other? [Sartre]
The consciousness that says 'I think' is not the consciousness that thinks [Sartre]
The Cogito depends on a second-order experience, of being conscious of consciousness [Sartre]
Is the Cogito reporting an immediate experience of doubting, or the whole enterprise of doubting? [Sartre]
We can never, even in principle, grasp other minds, because the Ego is self-conceiving [Sartre]
The Ego never appears except when we are not looking for it [Sartre]
Knowing yourself requires an exterior viewpoint, which is necessarily false [Sartre]
It is theoretically possible that the Ego consists entirely of false memories [Sartre]
The Ego only appears to reflection, so it is cut off from the World [Sartre]
My ego is more intimate to me, but not more certain than other egos [Sartre]