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Single Idea 7126

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / E. Policies / 2. Religion in Society ]

Full Idea

It is the duty of the rulers of a republic or a kingdom to preserve the foundations of the religion they hold; if they do this, it will be an easy thing for them to keep their state religious, and consequently good and united.

Gist of Idea

Rulers should preserve the foundations of religion, to ensure good behaviour and unity


Niccolo Machiavelli (The Discourses [1520], I.12)

Book Ref

Machiavelli,Niccolo: 'The Prince, selections from Discourses', ed/tr. Plamenatz,J [Fontana 1972], p.169

A Reaction

This is the germ of Marx's view, that the sole role of religion is political, as a tool used by the ruling classes to keep the populace in their place. The same idea can be found in Critias (Idea 542). But what is wrong with some central moral guidance?

Related Idea

Idea 542 Fear of the gods was invented to discourage secret sin [Critias]

The 9 ideas from Niccolo Machiavelli

All legislators invoke God in support of extraordinary laws, because their justification is not obvious [Machiavelli]
Rulers should preserve the foundations of religion, to ensure good behaviour and unity [Machiavelli]
Machiavelli emancipated politics from religion [Machiavelli, by Watson]
The principle foundations of all states are good laws and good armies [Machiavelli]
If men are good you should keep promises, but they aren't, so you needn't [Machiavelli]
To retain a conquered state, wipe out the ruling family, and preserve everything else [Machiavelli]
People are vengeful, so be generous to them, or destroy them [Machiavelli]
A desire to conquer, and men who do it, are always praised, or not blamed [Machiavelli]
A sensible conqueror does all his harmful deeds immediately, because people soon forget [Machiavelli]