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Single Idea 7169

[filed under theme 13. Knowledge Criteria / E. Relativism / 3. Subjectivism ]

Full Idea

Fundamental question: whether the perspectival is part of the essence, and not just a form of regarding, a relation between various beings?

Gist of Idea

Is the perspectival part of the essence, or just a relation between beings?


Friedrich Nietzsche (Writings from Late Notebooks [1887], 05[12])

Book Ref

Nietzsche,Friedrich: 'Writings from the Late Notebooks', ed/tr. Bittner,Rüdiger [CUP 2003], p.107

A Reaction

I don't personally understand how the perspectival could be part of the essence of anything. If everything is perspectival, then perspectives are limits, and essences are unknowable. It seems to me that we have learned a lot about essences.