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Single Idea 7208

[filed under theme 29. Religion / A. Polytheistic Religion / 2. Greek Polytheism ]

Full Idea

Is the pagan cult not a form of thanking and affirming life?

Gist of Idea

Paganism is a form of thanking and affirming life?


Friedrich Nietzsche (Writings from Late Notebooks [1887], 14[89])

Book Ref

Nietzsche,Friedrich: 'Writings from the Late Notebooks', ed/tr. Bittner,Rüdiger [CUP 2003], p.249

A Reaction

Yes, but it also centres on worries about life, such as potential famine and natural disasters. It is rooted as much in the negative of fear as in the positive of gratitude and appreciation.

The 77 ideas from 'Writings from Late Notebooks'

Comprehending everything is impossible, because it abolishes perspectives [Nietzsche]
Values are innate and inherited [Nietzsche]
The 'I' is a conceptual synthesis, not the governor of our being [Nietzsche]
We think each thought causes the next, unaware of the hidden struggle beneath [Nietzsche]
Morality kills religion, because a Christian-moral God is unbelievable [Nietzsche]
The only happiness is happiness with illusion [Nietzsche]
Courage, compassion, insight, solitude are the virtues, with courtesy a necessary vice [Nietzsche]
By developing herd virtues man fixes what has up to now been the 'unfixed animal' [Nietzsche]
Christian belief is kept alive because it is soothing - the proof based on pleasure [Nietzsche]
The essence of a thing is only an opinion about the 'thing' [Nietzsche]
Morality is merely interpretations, which are extra-moral in origin [Nietzsche]
Not feeling harnessed to a system of 'ends' is a wonderful feeling of freedom [Nietzsche]
With protoplasm ½+½=2, so the soul is not an indivisible monad [Nietzsche]
We can't use our own self to criticise our own capacity for knowledge! [Nietzsche]
We can't be realists, because we don't know what being is [Nietzsche]
Sense perceptions contain values (useful, so pleasant) [Nietzsche]
Consciousness exists to the extent that consciousness is useful [Nietzsche]
Virtue is wasteful, as it reduces us all to being one another's nurse [Nietzsche]
Man is above all a judging animal [Nietzsche]
Is the perspectival part of the essence, or just a relation between beings? [Nietzsche]
'Wisdom' attempts to get beyond perspectives, making it hostile to life [Nietzsche]
Rationality is a scheme we cannot cast away [Nietzsche]
Words such as 'I' and 'do' and 'done to' are placed at the point where our ignorance begins [Nietzsche]
Modest people express happiness as 'Not bad' [Nietzsche]
Existence without meaning or goal or end, eternally recurring, is a terrible thought [Nietzsche]
Rights arise out of contracts, which need a balance of power [Nietzsche]
Categories are not metaphysical truths, but inventions in the service of needs [Nietzsche]
Philosophers find it particularly hard to shake off belief in necessary categories [Nietzsche]
'Purpose' is like the sun, where most heat is wasted, and a tiny part has 'purpose' [Nietzsche]
The utility of an organ does not explain its origin, on the contrary! [Nietzsche]
Darwin overestimates the influence of 'external circumstances' [Nietzsche]
Survival might undermine an individual's value, or prevent its evolution [Nietzsche]
Pain shows the value of the damage, not what has been damaged [Nietzsche]
Virtues from outside are dangerous, and they should come from within [Nietzsche]
'Perspectivism': the world has no meaning, but various interpretations give it countless meanings [Nietzsche]
'Subjectivity' is an interpretation, since subjects (and interpreters) are fictions [Nietzsche]
Maybe there are only subjects, and 'objects' result from relations between subjects [Nietzsche]
Replace the categorical imperative by the natural imperative [Nietzsche]
There are no necessary truths, but something must be held to be true [Nietzsche]
Logic tries to understand the world according to a man-made scheme [Nietzsche]
Virtue for everyone removes its charm of being exceptional and aristocratic [Nietzsche]
Experiencing a thing as beautiful is to experience it wrongly [Nietzsche]
Our values express an earlier era's conditions for survival and growth [Nietzsche]
What does not kill us makes us stronger [Nietzsche]
Remove goodness and wisdom from our concept of God. Being the highest power is enough! [Nietzsche]
It is dishonest to invent a being containing our greatest values, thus ignoring why they exist and are valuable [Nietzsche]
A combination of great power and goodness would mean the disastrous abolition of evil [Nietzsche]
Knowledge, wisdom and goodness only have value relative to a goal [Nietzsche]
In heaven all the interesting men are missing [Nietzsche]
The upholding of the military state is needed to maintain the strong human type [Nietzsche]
Pessimism is laughable, because the world cannot be evaluated [Nietzsche]
If the world aimed at an end, it would have reached it by now [Nietzsche]
Pleasure needs dissatisfaction, boundaries and resistances [Nietzsche]
Nihilism results from measuring the world by our categories which are purely invented [Nietzsche]
There is no will; weakness of will is splitting of impulses, strong will is coordination under one impulse [Nietzsche]
Altruism is praised by the egoism of the weak, who want everyone to be looked after [Nietzsche]
Things are strong or weak, and do not behave regularly or according to rules or compulsions [Nietzsche]
Counting needs unities, but that doesn't mean they exist; we borrowed it from the concept of 'I' [Nietzsche]
Paganism is a form of thanking and affirming life? [Nietzsche]
Philosophers should create and fight for their concepts, not just clean and clarify them [Nietzsche]
It is tempting to think many eyes means many truths - so not truth [Nietzsche]
Something can be irrefutable; that doesn't make it true [Nietzsche]
'Freedom of will' is the feeling of having a dominating force [Nietzsche]
Morality is a system of values which accompanies a being's life [Nietzsche]
Perception is unconscious, and we are only conscious of processed perceptions [Nietzsche]
Unity is not in the conscious 'I', but in the organism, which uses the self as a tool [Nietzsche]
The intellect and senses are a simplifying apparatus [Nietzsche]
Is a 'philosopher' now impossible, because knowledge is too vast for an overview? [Nietzsche]
The 'I' is a fiction used to make the world of becoming 'knowable' [Nietzsche]
Explanation is just showing the succession of things ever more clearly [Nietzsche]
Chemical 'laws' are merely the establishment of power relations between weaker and stronger [Nietzsche]
A living being is totally 'egoistic' [Nietzsche]
All motions and 'laws' are symptoms of inner events, traceable to the will to power [Nietzsche]
Consciousness is a 'tool' - just as the stomach is a tool [Nietzsche]
Logic is not driven by truth, but desire for a simple single viewpoint [Nietzsche]
Logic must falsely assume that identical cases exist [Nietzsche]
Belief in the body is better established than belief in the mind [Nietzsche]