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Single Idea 7211

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 6. Liberalism / a. Liberalism basics ]

Full Idea

The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others; his own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant.

Gist of Idea

Prevention of harm to others is the only justification for exercising power over people


John Stuart Mill (On Liberty [1857], Ch.1)

Book Ref

Mill,John Stuart: 'Utilitarianism (including On Liberty etc)', ed/tr. Warnock,Mary [Fontana 1962], p.135

A Reaction

This is the key idea in Mill's liberalism, though he goes on to offer some qualifications of this absolute prohibition. I don't disagree with this principle, but there may be a lot more indirect harm than we realise (eg. in allowing liberal sex or drugs).

The 25 ideas from 'On Liberty'

Maximise happiness by an area of strict privacy, and an area of utilitarian interventions [Mill, by Wolff,J]
Mill defends freedom as increasing happiness, but maybe it is an intrinsic good [Wolff,J on Mill]
Utilitarianism values liberty, but guides us on which ones we should have or not have [Mill, by Wolff,J]
True freedom is pursuing our own good, while not impeding others [Mill]
Prevention of harm to others is the only justification for exercising power over people [Mill]
Ethics rests on utility, which is the permanent progressive interests of people [Mill]
Individuals have sovereignty over their own bodies and minds [Mill]
The will of the people is that of the largest or most active part of the people [Mill]
Liberty arises at the point where people can freely and equally discuss things [Mill]
The ethics of the Gospel has been supplemented by barbarous Old Testament values [Mill]
The main argument for freedom is that interference with it is usually misguided [Mill]
It is a crime for someone with a violent disposition to get drunk [Mill]
Individuals often do things better than governments [Mill]
It is evil to give a government any more power than is necessary [Mill]
Aim for the maximum dissemination of power consistent with efficiency [Mill]
The worth of a State, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it [Mill]
People who transact their own business will also have the initiative to control their government [Mill]
Restraint for its own sake is an evil [Mill]
Individuals are not accountable for actions which only concern themselves [Mill]
Blocking entry to an unsafe bridge does not infringe liberty, since no one wants unsafe bridges [Mill]
Pimping and running a gambling-house are on the border between toleration and restraint [Mill]
Society can punish actions which it believes to be prejudicial to others [Mill]
Benefits performed by individuals, not by government, help also to educate them [Mill]
We need individual opinions and conduct, and State education is a means to prevent that [Mill]
It is a crime to create a being who lacks the ordinary chances of a desirable existence [Mill]