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Single Idea 7220

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / A. Freedoms / 5. Freedom of lifestyle ]

Full Idea

All restraint, qua restraint, is an evil.


'qua' means 'simply as'

Gist of Idea

Restraint for its own sake is an evil


John Stuart Mill (On Liberty [1857], Ch.5)

Book Ref

Mill,John Stuart: 'Utilitarianism (including On Liberty etc)', ed/tr. Warnock,Mary [Fontana 1962], p.225

A Reaction

The ultimate justification for this is (presumably) utilitarian, but that would mean that there was nothing wrong with restraint if the person did not mind, or was not aware of the restraint. What is intrinsically wrong with restraint?

The 40 ideas with the same theme [extent to which citizens can live as they wish]:

Bondage and liberation are relative terms, which only frighten those already terrified of the universe [Anon (Cent)]
It is not good to be too free [Pascal]
Freedom in society is ability to do what is right, and not having to do what is wrong [Montesquieu]
Like rich food, liberty can ruin people who are too weak to cope with it [Rousseau]
Appetite alone is slavery, and self-prescribed laws are freedom [Rousseau]
Schiller speaks obsessively of freedom throughout his works [Schiller, by Berlin]
The goal of the world is Spirit's consciousness and enactment of freedom [Hegel]
True liberal freedom is to pursue something, while being free to cease the pursuit [Hegel, by Houlgate]
People assume they are free, but the options available are not under their control [Hegel]
Mill defends freedom as increasing happiness, but maybe it is an intrinsic good [Wolff,J on Mill]
Utilitarianism values liberty, but guides us on which ones we should have or not have [Mill, by Wolff,J]
True freedom is pursuing our own good, while not impeding others [Mill]
Restraint for its own sake is an evil [Mill]
Individuals are not accountable for actions which only concern themselves [Mill]
Blocking entry to an unsafe bridge does not infringe liberty, since no one wants unsafe bridges [Mill]
Pimping and running a gambling-house are on the border between toleration and restraint [Mill]
The free development of each should be the condition for the free development of all [Marx/Engels]
Saints want to live as they desire, or not to live at all [Nietzsche]
We need security and liberty, and then encouragement of creativity [Russell]
The value of liberty allows freedom of action, even if that distresses other people [Hart,HLA]
Berlin distinguishes 'negative' and 'positive' liberty, and rejects the latter [Berlin, by Swift]
The idea of liberation suggests there is a human nature which has been repressed [Foucault]
Prisons gradually became our models for schools, hospitals and factories [Foucault, by Gutting]
The right-wing conception of freedom is based on the idea of self-ownership [Cohen,GA]
Plenty of people have self-ownership, but still lack autonomy [Cohen,GA]
Freedom needs autonomy (rather than causal independence) - embracing our own desires and choices [Frankfurt]
Liberty Principle: everyone has an equal right to liberties, if compatible with others' liberties [Rawls]
Autonomy seems to acquire greater weight when the decision is more important to a person [Glover]
Negative liberty is incoherent; all liberties, to do and to be, require the prevention of interference [Nussbaum]
The most valuable liberties to us need not be the ones with the most freedom [Kymlicka]
Nowadays we identify the free life with the good life [Gray]
Liberty principles can't justify laws against duelling, incest between siblings and euthanasia [Wolff,J]
Either Difference allows unequal liberty, or Liberty makes implementing Difference impossible [Wolff,J]
Capabilities are part of freedom, involving real opportunities [Sen]
Freedom can involve capabilities, independence and non-interference [Sen]
Maybe a freedom is from a restraint, and also in order to do something [Swift]
Freedom may work against us, as individuals can choose to leave, and make fewer commitments [Harari]
'Freedom from' is an empty idea, if the freedom is not from impediments to my desires [Charvet]
Positive freedom can lead to coercion, if you are forced to do what you chose to do [Charvet]
First level autonomy is application of personal values; second level is criticising them [Charvet]