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Single Idea 7574

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / D. Justice / 2. The Law / c. Natural law ]

Full Idea

Leibniz rejects Hobbes's legal positivism in favour of the older natural law theory associated with Aquinas (which says nothing can be a law unless it derives from natural justice). The older view was revived at Nuremberg, to prosecute Nazis.

Gist of Idea

Natural law theory is found in Aquinas, in Leibniz, and at the Nuremberg trials


report of Gottfried Leibniz (works [1690]) by Nicholas Jolley - Leibniz Ch.7

Book Ref

Jolley,Nicholas: 'Leibniz' [Routledge 2005], p.195

A Reaction

This seems to suggest that Hobbes and co were using Ockham's Razor to eliminate morality from the law, but that the Nuremberg situation (and modern trials in The Hague) show that there is a necessity for natural law in international situations.

The 22 ideas with the same theme [laws arising from the natural state of mankind]:

Natural justice is the same everywhere, and does not (unlike legal justice) depend on acceptance [Aristotle]
Justice, the law, and right reason are natural and not conventional [Chrysippus, by Diog. Laertius]
Stoics originated the concept of natural law, as agreed correct reasoning [Stoic school, by Annas]
Tyrannical laws are irrational, and so not really laws [Aquinas]
Right and wrong actions pertain to natural law, as perceived by practical reason [Aquinas]
Natural law is a rational creature's participation in eternal law [Aquinas]
Human laws must accord with the general laws of Nature [Hooker,R]
A natural right of self-preservation is balanced by a natural law to avoid unnecessary harm [Grotius, by Tuck]
Grotius and Pufendorf based natural law on real (rather than idealised) humanity [Grotius, by Ford,JD]
We should obey the laws of nature, provided other people are also obeying them [Hobbes, by Wolff,J]
Obligation to obey all positive laws is older than all laws [Cudworth]
Natural law is immutable truth giving moral truths and duties independent of society [Cumberland]
The order of nature does not prohibit anything, and allows whatever appetite produces [Spinoza]
It is only by a law of Nature that we can justify punishing foreigners [Locke]
Natural law theory is found in Aquinas, in Leibniz, and at the Nuremberg trials [Leibniz, by Jolley]
Prior to positive laws there is natural equity, of obedience, gratitude, dependence and merit [Montesquieu]
Sensation gives animals natural laws, but knowledge can make them break them [Montesquieu]
Writers just propose natural law as the likely useful agreements among people [Rousseau]
Natural justice, without sanctions, benefits the wicked, who exploit it [Rousseau]
Kant completed Grotius's project of a non-religious basis for natural law [Scruton on Kant]
Natural law theorists fear that without morality, law could be based on efficiency [Zimmermann,J]
Instead of against natural law, we might assess unjust laws against the values of the culture [Tuckness/Wolf]