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Single Idea 7602

[filed under theme 28. God / A. Divine Nature / 4. Divine Contradictions ]

Full Idea

In the Bible God changes his mind, as when he repents of having made man and decides to destroy the human race in the Flood.

Gist of Idea

In the Bible God changes his mind (repenting of creating humanity, in the Flood)


Karen Armstrong (A History of God [1993], Ch.1)

Book Ref

Armstrong,Karen: 'A History of God' [Mandarin 1993], p.46

A Reaction

It becomes apparent that the most startling feature of Christian fundamentalism is its uncritical reading of the Bible, in which passages are wilfully lifted from context, and inconvenient inconsistencies are ruthlessly ignored.

The 6 ideas from Karen Armstrong

Faith is not just belief in propositions, but also putting trust in them [Armstrong,K]
In the Bible God changes his mind (repenting of creating humanity, in the Flood) [Armstrong,K]
Around 800 BCE teachers superseded gods in India [Armstrong,K]
There is virtually no sign of monotheism in the Pentateuch [Armstrong,K]
Monotheism introduced intolerance into religious thinking [Armstrong,K]
The idea that Jesus was God was only settled in the fourth century [Armstrong,K]