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Single Idea 7681

[filed under theme 5. Theory of Logic / A. Overview of Logic / 1. Overview of Logic ]

Full Idea

It is fundamental that logic depends on logical possibilities, in which logically possible properties are predicated of logically possible objects. Logic describes inferential structures among sentences expressing the predication of properties to objects.

Gist of Idea

Logic describes inferences between sentences expressing possible properties of objects


Dale Jacquette (Ontology [2002], Ch. 2)

Book Ref

Jacquette,Dale: 'Ontology' [Acumen 2002], p.43

A Reaction

If our imagination is the only tool we have for assessing possibilities, this leaves the domain of logic as being a bit subjective. There is an underlying Platonism to the idea, since inferences would exist even if nothing else did.

The 31 ideas from Dale Jacquette

Modal logic is multiple systems, shown in the variety of accessibility relations between worlds [Jacquette]
The two main views in philosophy of logic are extensionalism and intensionalism [Jacquette]
Extensionalists say that quantifiers presuppose the existence of their objects [Jacquette]
Intensionalists say meaning is determined by the possession of properties [Jacquette]
Extensionalist semantics is circular, as we must know the extension before assessing 'Fa' [Jacquette]
Extensionalist semantics forbids reference to nonexistent objects [Jacquette]
Classical logic is bivalent, has excluded middle, and only quantifies over existent objects [Jacquette]
Substitutional universal quantification retains truth for substitution of terms of the same type [Jacquette]
Nominalists like substitutional quantification to avoid the metaphysics of objects [Jacquette]
Ontology is the same as the conceptual foundations of logic [Jacquette]
Ontology must include the minimum requirements for our semantics [Jacquette]
Logic is based either on separate objects and properties, or objects as combinations of properties [Jacquette]
Reduce states-of-affairs to object-property combinations, and possible worlds to states-of-affairs [Jacquette]
Being is maximal consistency [Jacquette]
Existence is completeness and consistency [Jacquette]
An object is a predication subject, distinguished by a distinctive combination of properties [Jacquette]
The actual world is a consistent combination of states, made of consistent property combinations [Jacquette]
The actual world is a maximally consistent combination of actual states of affairs [Jacquette]
Do proposition-structures not associated with the actual world deserve to be called worlds? [Jacquette]
The modal logic of C.I.Lewis was only interpreted by Kripke and Hintikka in the 1960s [Jacquette]
Logic describes inferences between sentences expressing possible properties of objects [Jacquette]
Logic is not just about signs, because it relates to states of affairs, objects, properties and truth-values [Jacquette]
On Russell's analysis, the sentence "The winged horse has wings" comes out as false [Jacquette]
We must experience the 'actual' world, which is defined by maximally consistent propositions [Jacquette]
Numbers, sets and propositions are abstract particulars; properties, qualities and relations are universals [Jacquette]
The extreme views on propositions are Frege's Platonism and Quine's extreme nominalism [Jacquette]
Can a Barber shave all and only those persons who do not shave themselves? [Jacquette]
If classes can't be eliminated, and they are property combinations, then properties (universals) can't be either [Jacquette]
If qualia supervene on intentional states, then intentional states are explanatorily fundamental [Jacquette]
Reduction of intentionality involving nonexistent objects is impossible, as reduction must be to what is actual [Jacquette]
To grasp being, we must say why something exists, and why there is one world [Jacquette]