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Single Idea 7762

[filed under theme 5. Theory of Logic / F. Referring in Logic / 1. Naming / c. Names as referential ]

Full Idea

Mill seemed to defend the view that proper names are merely labels for individual persons or objects, and contribute no more than those individuals themselves to the meanings of sentences in which they occur.

Gist of Idea

Proper names are just labels for persons or objects, and the meaning is the object


report of John Stuart Mill (System of Logic [1843]) by William Lycan - Philosophy of Language

Book Ref

Lycan,William G.: 'Philosophy of Language' [Routledge 2000], p.37

A Reaction

Identity statements can become trivial on this view ('Twain is Clemens'). Modern views have become more sympathetic to Mill, since externalism places meanings outside the head of the speaker.

The 51 ideas from 'System of Logic'

Mill says names have denotation but not connotation [Mill, by Kripke]
Proper names are just labels for persons or objects, and the meaning is the object [Mill, by Lycan]
What physical facts could underlie 0 or 1, or very large numbers? [Frege on Mill]
Mill says logic and maths is induction based on a very large number of instances [Mill, by Ayer]
If two black and two white objects in practice produced five, what colour is the fifth one? [Lewis,CI on Mill]
Mill is too imprecise, and is restricted to simple arithmetic [Kitcher on Mill]
Empirical theories of arithmetic ignore zero, limit our maths, and need probability to get started [Frege on Mill]
Explanation is fitting of facts into ever more general patterns of regularity [Mill, by Ruben]
Surprisingly, empiricists before Mill ignore explanation, which seems to transcend experience [Mill, by Ruben]
A cause is the total of all the conditions which inevitably produce the result [Mill]
Causes and conditions are not distinct, because we select capriciously from among them [Mill]
Combining two distinct assertions does not necessarily lead to a single 'complex proposition' [Mill]
The essence is that without which a thing can neither be, nor be conceived to be [Mill]
Mill mistakes particular applications as integral to arithmetic, instead of general patterns [Dummett on Mill]
There are no such things as numbers in the abstract [Mill]
Things possess the properties of numbers, as quantity, and as countable parts [Mill]
Numbers have generalised application to entities (such as bodies or sounds) [Mill]
Different parcels made from three pebbles produce different actual sensations [Mill]
'2 pebbles and 1 pebble' and '3 pebbles' name the same aggregation, but different facts [Mill]
3=2+1 presupposes collections of objects ('Threes'), which may be divided thus [Mill]
Arithmetic is based on definitions, and Sums of equals are equal, and Differences of equals are equal [Mill]
Numbers must be assumed to have identical units, as horses are equalised in 'horse-power' [Mill]
The whole theory of induction rests on causes [Mill]
The strict cause is the total positive and negative conditions which ensure the consequent [Mill]
A cause is an antecedent which invariably and unconditionally leads to a phenomenon [Mill]
Necessity is what will be, despite any alternative suppositions whatever [Mill]
Causal inference is by spotting either Agreements or Differences [Mill, by Lipton]
The Methods of Difference and of Agreement are forms of inference to the best explanation [Mill, by Lipton]
Mill's methods (Difference,Agreement,Residues,Concomitance,Hypothesis) don't nail induction [Mill, by Lipton]
Whatever is made up of parts is made up of parts of those parts [Mill]
Numbers denote physical properties of physical phenomena [Mill]
We can't easily distinguish 102 horses from 103, but we could arrange them to make it obvious [Mill]
Arithmetical results give a mode of formation of a given number [Mill]
12 is the cube of 1728 means pebbles can be aggregated a certain way [Mill]
What are the fewest propositions from which all natural uniformities could be inferred? [Mill]
Causation is just invariability of succession between every natural fact and a preceding fact [Mill]
Inductive generalisation is more reliable than one of its instances; they can't all be wrong [Mill]
Most perception is one-tenth observation and nine-tenths inference [Mill]
The study of the nature of Abstract Ideas does not belong to logic, but to a different science [Mill]
General conceptions are a necessary preliminary to Induction [Mill]
We can focus our minds on what is common to a whole class, neglecting other aspects [Mill]
We don't recognise comparisons by something in our minds; the concepts result from the comparisons [Mill]
Clear concepts result from good observation, extensive experience, and accurate memory [Mill]
Numbers are a very general property of objects [Mill, by Brown,JR]
Mill's regularity theory of causation is based on an effect preceded by a conjunction of causes [Mill, by Psillos]
Numbers must be of something; they don't exist as abstractions [Mill]
In Mill's 'Method of Agreement' cause is the common factor in a range of different cases [Mill, by Psillos]
In Mill's 'Method of Difference' the cause is what stops the effect when it is removed [Mill, by Psillos]
All names are names of something, real or imaginary [Mill]
Necessity can only mean what must be, without conditions of any kind [Mill]
The only axioms needed are for equality, addition, and successive numbers [Mill, by Shapiro]