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Single Idea 7920

[filed under theme 1. Philosophy / E. Nature of Metaphysics / 1. Nature of Metaphysics ]

Full Idea

Descriptive metaphysics (e.g. Aristotle and Kant) is content to describe the actual structure of our thought about the world; revisionary metaphysics (e.g. Descartes, Leibniz, Berkeley) is concerned to produce a better structure.

Gist of Idea

Descriptive metaphysics aims at actual structure, revisionary metaphysics at a better structure


Peter F. Strawson (Individuals:Essay in Descript Metaphysics [1959], Intro)

Book Ref

Strawson,Peter F.: 'Individuals: Essay in Descriptive Metaphysics' [Methuen University 1974], p.9

A Reaction

This distinction by Strawson was incredibly helpful in reinstating metaphysics as a feasible activity. I don't want to abandon the revisionary version. We can hammer the current metaphysics into a more efficient shape, or even create new concepts.

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The 6 ideas from 'Individuals:Essay in Descript Metaphysics'

Descriptive metaphysics aims at actual structure, revisionary metaphysics at a better structure [Strawson,P]
Descriptive metaphysics concerns unchanging core concepts and categories [Strawson,P]
Close examination of actual word usage is the only sure way in philosophy [Strawson,P]
I can only apply consciousness predicates to myself if I can apply them to others [Strawson,P]
A person is an entity to which we can ascribe predicates of consciousness and corporeality [Strawson,P]
The idea of a predicate matches a range of things to which it can be applied [Strawson,P]