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Single Idea 8135

[filed under theme 7. Existence / A. Nature of Existence / 3. Being / h. Dasein (being human) ]

Full Idea

We each of us not only have Dasein (our kind of Being), but we can lay claim to it. Also the Dasein of a thing 'is an issue for it' - we care about the kinds of creatures we can make ourselves into.

Gist of Idea

'Dasein' is Being which is laid claim to, and which matters to its owner


report of Martin Heidegger (Being and Time [1927], p.67) by David E. Cooper - Heidegger Ch.3

Book Ref

Cooper,David E.: 'Heidegger' [Claridge 1996], p.29

A Reaction

Heidegger says other more puzzling things about Dasein. The second half of the idea is what makes Heidegger an existentialist, and an inspiration for Sartre.

The 37 ideas from 'Being and Time'

Heidegger turns to 'Being' to affirm the uniqueness of humans in the world [Heidegger, by Gray]
Having thoughts and feelings need engagement in the world [Heidegger, by Wrathall]
Reducing being to the study of beings too readily accepts the modern scientific view [Heidegger, by May]
Dasein finds itself already amongst others [Heidegger, by Caputo]
Anxiety about death frees me to live my own life [Heidegger, by Wrathall]
Anxiety is the uncanniness felt when constantly fleeing from asserting one's own freedom [Heidegger, by Caputo]
Heidegger says we must either choose an inauthentic hero, or choose yourself as hero [Heidegger, by Critchley]
Being-in-the-world is projection to possibilities, thrownness among them, and fallenness within them [Heidegger, by Caputo]
Heidegger says truth is historical, and never absolute [Heidegger, by Polt]
Dasein is a mode of Being distinguished by concern for its own Being [Heidegger]
Pheomenology seeks things themselves, without empty theories, problems and concepts [Heidegger]
There are no raw sense-data - our experiences are of the sound or colour of something [Heidegger]
For us, Being is constituted by awareness of other sorts of Being [Heidegger]
'Logos' really means 'making something manifest' [Heidegger, by Polt]
Being what it is (essentia) must be conceived in terms of Being (existence) [Heidegger]
If we posit 'I' as the starting point, we miss the mind's phenomenal content [Heidegger]
When Dasein grasps something it exists externally alongside the thing [Heidegger]
Our relationship to a hammer strengthens when we use [Heidegger]
Readiness-to-hand defines things in themselves ontologically [Heidegger]
Heidegger seeks a non-traditional concept of essence as 'essential unfolding' [Heidegger, by Polt]
There is an everyday self, and an authentic self, when it is grasped in its own way [Heidegger]
Moods are more fundamentally revealing than theories - as when fear reveals a threat [Heidegger, by Polt]
Propositions don't provide understanding, because the understanding must come first [Heidegger, by Polt]
Dasein is ahead of itself in the world, and alongside encountered entities [Heidegger]
Anxiety reveals the possibility and individuality of Dasein [Heidegger]
The scandal of philosophy is expecting to prove reality when the prover's Being is vague [Heidegger]
Dasein has the potential to be itself, but must be shown this in the midst of ordinariness [Heidegger]
If we work and play with other people, they are bound to be 'Dasein', intelligent agents [Heidegger, by Cooper,DE]
In company with others one's Dasein dissolves, and even the others themselves dissolve [Heidegger]
Everyone is other, and no one is himself [Heidegger]
We do not add value to naked things; its involvement is disclosed in understanding it [Heidegger]
'Dasein' expresses not 'what' the entity is, but its being [Heidegger]
Ontology is possible only as phenomenology [Heidegger]
The word 'dasein' is used to mean 'the manner of Being which man possesses', and also the human creature [Heidegger, by Cooper,DE]
Perceived objects always appear in a context [Heidegger]
'Dasein' is Being which is laid claim to, and which matters to its owner [Heidegger, by Cooper,DE]
Dasein is being which can understand itself, and possess itself in a way allowing authenticity [Heidegger]