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Single Idea 8769

[filed under theme 18. Thought / D. Concepts / 5. Concepts and Language / c. Concepts without language ]

Full Idea

If a man struck with aphasia can still play bridge or chess, I certainly wish to say he still has the concepts involved in the game, although he can no longer exercise them verbally.


'Aphasia' is loss of power of speech

Gist of Idea

If someone has aphasia but can still play chess, they clearly have concepts


Peter Geach (Mental Acts: their content and their objects [1957], §5)

Book Ref

Geach,Peter: 'Mental Acts: Their content and their objects' [RKP 1971], p.13

A Reaction

Geach proceeds thereafter to concentrate on language, but this caveat is crucial. To suggest that concepts are entirely verbal has always struck me as ridiculous, and an insult to our inarticulate mammalian cousins.

The 16 ideas from 'Mental Acts: their content and their objects'

You can't define real mental states in terms of behaviour that never happens [Geach]
Beliefs aren't tied to particular behaviours [Geach]
If someone has aphasia but can still play chess, they clearly have concepts [Geach]
'Abstractionism' is acquiring a concept by picking out one experience amongst a group [Geach]
'Or' and 'not' are not to be found in the sensible world, or even in the world of inner experience [Geach]
We can't acquire number-concepts by extracting the number from the things being counted [Geach]
Abstractionists can't explain counting, because it must precede experience of objects [Geach]
The numbers don't exist in nature, so they cannot have been abstracted from there into our languages [Geach]
A big flea is a small animal, so 'big' and 'small' cannot be acquired by abstraction [Geach]
We cannot learn relations by abstraction, because their converse must be learned too [Geach]
Blind people can use colour words like 'red' perfectly intelligently [Geach]
If 'black' and 'cat' can be used in the absence of such objects, how can such usage be abstracted? [Geach]
We can form two different abstract concepts that apply to a single unified experience [Geach]
Attributes are functions, not objects; this distinguishes 'square of 2' from 'double of 2' [Geach]
The mind does not lift concepts from experience; it creates them, and then applies them [Geach]
Being 'the same' is meaningless, unless we specify 'the same X' [Geach]