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Single Idea 8874

[filed under theme 18. Thought / C. Content / 6. Broad Content ]

Full Idea

It will explain a speaker's actions far better if we interpret him as he intended to be interpreted, than if we suppose he means and thinks what someone else might mean and think who used the same words 'correctly'.

Gist of Idea

It is hard to interpret a speaker's actions if we take a broad view of the content


Donald Davidson (Epistemology Externalized [1990], p.199)

Book Ref

Davidson,Donald: 'Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective' [OUP 2001], p.199

A Reaction

This comes down to the fact that our actions have to be motivated by internal meanings. If I defer to experts on the essence of gold, I still buy gold according to how I myself understand it. So meaning has two components?

The 39 ideas with the same theme [meanings aren't in the head ('Externalism')]:

The name 'gold' means what we know of gold, and also further facts about it which only others know [Leibniz]
The word 'gold' means a hidden constitution known to experts, and not just its appearances [Leibniz]
We don't assert private thoughts; the objects are part of what we assert [Russell]
Externalist accounts of mental content begin in Wittgenstein [Wittgenstein, by Heil]
Is white simple, or does it consist of the colours of the rainbow? [Wittgenstein]
I can't distinguish elm trees, but I mean by 'elm' the same set of trees as everybody else [Putnam]
'Water' has an unnoticed indexical component, referring to stuff around here [Putnam]
Reference is social not individual, because we defer to experts when referring to elm trees [Putnam]
It is widely supposed that externalism cannot be reconciled with first-person authority [Davidson]
It is hard to interpret a speaker's actions if we take a broad view of the content [Davidson]
External identification doesn't mean external location, as with sunburn [Davidson, by Rowlands]
Our meanings are partly fixed by events of which we may be ignorant [Davidson]
There is no such thing as 'wide content' [Searle]
Content may match several things in the environment [Kim]
'Arthritis in my thigh' requires a social context for its content to be meaningful [Kim]
Content is best thought of as truth conditions [Kim]
Meanings aren't in the head, but that is because they are abstract [Stalnaker]
How can we know what we are thinking, if content depends on something we don't know? [Stalnaker]
Nothing shows that all content is 'wide', or that wide content has logical priority [Lewis]
If you don't share an external world with a brain-in-a-vat, then externalism says you don't share any beliefs [Lewis]
A spontaneous duplicate of you would have your brain states but no experience, so externalism would deny him any beliefs [Lewis]
Wide content derives from narrow content and relationships with external things [Lewis]
Truth conditions require a broad concept of content [Fodor]
How could the extrinsic properties of thoughts supervene on their intrinsic properties? [Fodor]
Most reductive accounts of representation imply broad content [Papineau]
If content hinges on matters outside of you, how can it causally influence your actions? [Papineau]
Phenomenology says thought is part of the world [Deleuze/Guattari]
Simple externalism is that the meaning just is the object [Rey]
Broad content entails the existence of the object of the thought [Crane]
Externalism is causal-historical, or social, or biological [Heil]
Consciousness involves interaction with persons and the world, as well as brain functions [Edelman/Tononi]
Semantic externalism ties content to the world, reducing error [Bernecker/Dretske]
Maybe content involves relations to a language community [Segal]
Must we relate to some diamonds to understand them? [Segal]
If content is external, so are beliefs and desires [Segal]
Externalism can't explain concepts that have no reference [Segal]
Maybe experts fix content, not ordinary users [Segal]
Concepts can survive a big change in extension [Segal]
The molecules may explain the water, but they are not what 'water' means [Hale]