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Single Idea 9357

[filed under theme 5. Theory of Logic / D. Assumptions for Logic / 2. Excluded Middle ]

Full Idea

The law of excluded middle formulates our decision that whatever is not designated by a certain term shall be designated by its negative. It declares our purpose to make a complete dichotomy of experience, ..which is only our penchant for simplicity.

Gist of Idea

Excluded middle is just our preference for a simplified dichotomy in experience


C.I. Lewis (A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori [1923], p.365)

Book Ref

Peirce,James,Dewey etc: 'Pragmatism - The Classic Writings', ed/tr. Thayer,H.S. [Hackett 1982], p.365

A Reaction

I find this view quite appealing. 'Look, it's either F or it isn't!' is a dogmatic attitude which irritates a lot of people, and appears to be dispensible. Intuitionists in mathematics dispense with the principle, and vagueness threatens it.

The 15 ideas from C.I. Lewis

Extension is the class of things, intension is the correct definition of the thing, and intension determines extension [Lewis,CI]
If anything is to be probable, then something must be certain [Lewis,CI]
We rely on memory for empirical beliefs because they mutually support one another [Lewis,CI]
Congruents assertions increase the probability of each individual assertion in the set [Lewis,CI]
If we doubt memories we cannot assess our doubt, or what is being doubted [Lewis,CI]
Excluded middle is just our preference for a simplified dichotomy in experience [Lewis,CI]
There are several logics, none of which will ever derive falsehoods from truth [Lewis,CI]
Necessary truths are those we will maintain no matter what [Lewis,CI]
We have to separate the mathematical from physical phenomena by abstraction [Lewis,CI]
Science seeks classification which will discover laws, essences, and predictions [Lewis,CI]
Names represent a uniformity in experience, or they name nothing [Lewis,CI]
We can maintain a priori principles come what may, but we can also change them [Lewis,CI]
Modal logic began with translation difficulties for 'If...then' [Lewis,CI, by Girle]
Equating necessity with informal provability is the S4 conception of necessity [Lewis,CI, by Read]
The simplest of the logics based on possible worlds is Lewis's S5 [Lewis,CI, by Girle]