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Single Idea 9415

[filed under theme 26. Natural Theory / D. Laws of Nature / 4. Regularities / a. Regularity theory ]

Full Idea

While it might be true that for all x, if Ax then Bx, would we really want to count it as a genuine regularity in nature if only five things were A (and all five were also B)?

Gist of Idea

Would it count as a regularity if the only five As were also B?


Stephen Mumford (Laws in Nature [2004], 03.3)

Book Ref

Mumford,Stephen: 'Laws in Nature' [Routledge 2006], p.39

The 24 ideas from 'Laws in Nature'

Science studies phenomena, but only metaphysics tells us what exists [Mumford]
There are no laws of nature in Aristotle; they became standard with Descartes and Newton [Mumford]
You only need laws if you (erroneously) think the world is otherwise inert [Mumford]
Would it count as a regularity if the only five As were also B? [Mumford]
Regularities are more likely with few instances, and guaranteed with no instances! [Mumford]
If the best system describes a nomological system, the laws are in nature, not in the description [Mumford]
The best systems theory says regularities derive from laws, rather than constituting them [Mumford]
For Humeans the world is a world primarily of events [Mumford]
Many forms of reasoning, such as extrapolation and analogy, are useful but deductively invalid [Mumford]
Singular causes, and identities, might be necessary without falling under a law [Mumford]
Pure regularities are rare, usually only found in idealized conditions [Mumford]
Laws of nature are necessary relations between universal properties, rather than about particulars [Mumford]
If laws can be uninstantiated, this favours the view of them as connecting universals [Mumford]
Laws of nature are just the possession of essential properties by natural kinds [Mumford]
A 'porridge' nominalist thinks we just divide reality in any way that suits us [Mumford]
How can we show that a universally possessed property is an essential property? [Mumford]
To distinguish accidental from essential properties, we must include possible members of kinds [Mumford]
The Central Dilemma is how to explain an internal or external view of laws which govern [Mumford]
Regularity laws don't explain, because they have no governing role [Mumford]
It is only properties which are the source of necessity in the world [Mumford]
There are four candidates for the logical form of law statements [Mumford]
We can give up the counterfactual account if we take causal language at face value [Mumford]
If properties are clusters of powers, this can explain why properties resemble in degrees [Mumford]
Properties are just natural clusters of powers [Mumford]