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Single Idea 9490

[filed under theme 8. Modes of Existence / B. Properties / 6. Categorical Properties ]

Full Idea

In the categoricalist view, the essential properties of a natural property are limited to its essentially being itself and not some distinct property.

Gist of Idea

The categoricalist idea is that a property is only individuated by being itself


Alexander Bird (Nature's Metaphysics [2007], 4.1)

Book Ref

Bird,Alexander: 'Nature's Metaphysics' [OUP 2007], p.67

A Reaction

He associates this view with Lewis (modern regularity view) and Armstrong (nomic necessitation), and launches a splendid attack against it. I have always laughed at the idea that 'being Socrates' was one of the properties of Socrates.

The 34 ideas from 'Nature's Metaphysics'

Only real powers are fundamental [Bird, by Mumford/Anjum]
Most laws supervene on fundamental laws, which are explained by basic powers [Bird, by Friend/Kimpton-Nye]
If all properties are potencies, and stimuli and manifestation characterise them, there is a regress [Bird]
The plausible Barcan formula implies modality in the actual world [Bird]
Laws are explanatory relationships of things, which supervene on their essences [Bird]
Laws cannot offer unified explanations if they don't involve universals [Bird]
Resemblance itself needs explanation, presumably in terms of something held in common [Bird]
A disposition is finkish if a time delay might mean the manifestation fizzles out [Bird]
A robust pot attached to a sensitive bomb is not fragile, but if struck it will easily break [Bird]
Categorical properties are not modally fixed, but change across possible worlds [Bird]
If the laws necessarily imply p, that doesn't give a new 'nomological' necessity [Bird]
Logical necessitation is not a kind of necessity; George Orwell not being Eric Blair is not a real possibility [Bird]
Dispositional essentialism says laws (and laws about laws) are guaranteed regularities [Bird]
If the universals for laws must be instantiated, a vanishing particular could destroy a law [Bird]
Why should a universal's existence depend on instantiation in an existing particular? [Bird]
We can't reject all explanations because of a regress; inexplicable A can still explain B [Bird]
Laws are either disposition regularities, or relations between properties [Bird]
Essentialism can't use conditionals to explain regularities, because of possible interventions [Bird]
The categoricalist idea is that a property is only individuated by being itself [Bird]
Haecceitism says identity is independent of qualities and without essence [Bird]
We should explain causation by powers, not powers by causation [Bird]
Singularism about causes is wrong, as the universals involved imply laws [Bird]
If we abstractly define a property, that doesn't mean some object could possess it [Bird]
That other diamonds are hard does not explain why this one is [Bird]
Categoricalists take properties to be quiddities, with no essential difference between them [Bird]
The essence of a potency involves relations, e.g. mass, to impressed force and acceleration [Bird]
Megarian actualists deny unmanifested dispositions [Bird]
If all existents are causally active, that excludes abstracta and causally isolated objects [Bird]
If naturalism refers to supervenience, that leaves necessary entities untouched [Bird]
There might be just one fundamental natural property [Bird]
To name an abundant property is either a Fregean concept, or a simple predicate [Bird]
The relational view of space-time doesn't cover times and places where things could be [Bird]
Empiricist saw imaginability and possibility as close, but now they seem remote [Bird]
Salt necessarily dissolves in water, because of the law which makes the existence of salt possible [Bird]