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Single Idea 9892

[filed under theme 6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 3. Nature of Numbers / e. Ordinal numbers ]

Full Idea

Cantor's work revealed that the notion of an ordinal number is more fundamental than that of a cardinal number.

Gist of Idea

Cantor showed that ordinals are more basic than cardinals


report of George Cantor (works [1880]) by Michael Dummett - Frege philosophy of mathematics Ch.23

Book Ref

Dummett,Michael: 'Frege: philosophy of mathematics' [Duckworth 1991], p.293

A Reaction

Dummett makes it sound like a proof, which I find hard to believe. Is the notion that I have 'more' sheep than you logically prior to how many sheep we have? If I have one more, that implies the next number, whatever that number may be. Hm.

The 49 ideas from George Cantor

We form the image of a cardinal number by a double abstraction, from the elements and from their order [Cantor]
Cantor developed sets from a progression into infinity by addition, multiplication and exponentiation [Cantor, by Lavine]
Ordinals are generated by endless succession, followed by a limit ordinal [Cantor, by Lavine]
The 'extension of a concept' in general may be quantitatively completely indeterminate [Cantor]
Cantor gives informal versions of ZF axioms as ways of getting from one set to another [Cantor, by Lake]
Cantor needed Power Set for the reals, but then couldn't count the new collections [Cantor, by Lavine]
A set is a collection into a whole of distinct objects of our intuition or thought [Cantor]
Cantor proved that all sets have more subsets than they have members [Cantor, by Bostock]
Cantor's Theorem: for any set x, its power set P(x) has more members than x [Cantor, by Hart,WD]
If a set is 'a many thought of as one', beginners should protest against singleton sets [Cantor, by Lewis]
Cantor showed that supposed contradictions in infinity were just a lack of clarity [Cantor, by Potter]
The continuum is the powerset of the integers, which moves up a level [Cantor, by Clegg]
CH: An infinite set of reals corresponds 1-1 either to the naturals or to the reals [Cantor, by Koellner]
Cantor's theory concerns collections which can be counted, using the ordinals [Cantor, by Lavine]
Cantor: there is no size between naturals and reals, or between a set and its power set [Cantor, by Hart,WD]
Cardinality strictly concerns one-one correspondence, to test infinite sameness of size [Cantor, by Maddy]
Property extensions outstrip objects, so shortage of objects caused the Caesar problem [Cantor, by Shapiro]
Only God is absolutely infinite [Cantor, by Hart,WD]
Cantor says that maths originates only by abstraction from objects [Cantor, by Frege]
Cantor proved that three dimensions have the same number of points as one dimension [Cantor, by Clegg]
Infinities expand the bounds of the conceivable; we explore concepts to explore conceivability [Cantor, by Friend]
Cantor says (vaguely) that we abstract numbers from equal sized sets [Hart,WD on Cantor]
The Axiom of Union dates from 1899, and seems fairly obvious [Cantor, by Maddy]
Cantor's sets were just collections, but Dedekind's were containers [Cantor, by Oliver/Smiley]
There are infinite sets that are not enumerable [Cantor, by Smith,P]
Cantor's Paradox: the power set of the universe must be bigger than the universe, yet a subset of it [Cantor, by Hart,WD]
Cantor named the third realm between the finite and the Absolute the 'transfinite' [Cantor, by Lavine]
The powerset of all the cardinal numbers is required to be greater than itself [Cantor, by Friend]
Cantor's diagonal argument proved you can't list all decimal numbers between 0 and 1 [Cantor, by Read]
Cantor tried to prove points on a line matched naturals or reals - but nothing in between [Cantor, by Lavine]
Cantor proved the points on a plane are in one-to-one correspondence to the points on a line [Cantor, by Lavine]
Cantor took the ordinal numbers to be primary [Cantor, by Tait]
Cantor presented the totality of natural numbers as finite, not infinite [Cantor, by Mayberry]
Cantor introduced the distinction between cardinals and ordinals [Cantor, by Tait]
Cantor showed that ordinals are more basic than cardinals [Cantor, by Dummett]
A cardinal is an abstraction, from the nature of a set's elements, and from their order [Cantor]
A real is associated with an infinite set of infinite Cauchy sequences of rationals [Cantor, by Lavine]
Irrational numbers are the limits of Cauchy sequences of rational numbers [Cantor, by Lavine]
Cantor extended ordinals into the transfinite, and they can thus measure infinite cardinalities [Cantor, by Maddy]
Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis says there is a gap between the natural and the real numbers [Cantor, by Horsten]
The Continuum Hypothesis says there are no sets between the natural numbers and reals [Cantor, by Shapiro]
Continuum Hypothesis: there are no sets between N and P(N) [Cantor, by Wolf,RS]
Continuum Hypothesis: no cardinal greater than aleph-null but less than cardinality of the continuum [Cantor, by Chihara]
Irrationals and the Dedekind Cut implied infinite classes, but they seemed to have logical difficulties [Cantor, by Lavine]
It was Cantor's diagonal argument which revealed infinities greater than that of the real numbers [Cantor, by Lavine]
Cantor proposes that there won't be a potential infinity if there is no actual infinity [Cantor, by Hart,WD]
The naturals won't map onto the reals, so there are different sizes of infinity [Cantor, by George/Velleman]
Trying to represent curves, we study arbitrary functions, leading to the ordinals, which produces set theory [Cantor, by Lavine]
Pure mathematics is pure set theory [Cantor]