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Single Idea 5288

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 9. Communism ]

Full Idea

The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production.

Gist of Idea

The class controlling material production also controls mental production


K Marx / F Engels (The German Ideology [1846], §1.B)

Book Ref

Marx,K./Engels,F.: 'The German Ideology', ed/tr. Arthur,C.J. [Lawrence and Wishart 1985], p.64

A Reaction

This is mostly true, because the wealthy will control both the media and most of the educational institutions, but in a world of universal education and underground presses it doesn't seem to be a necessary truth. Wide dissemination of ideas needs money.

The 32 ideas from K Marx / F Engels

'Society determines consciousness' is contradictory; society only exists in minds [Weil on Marx/Engels]
Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life [Marx/Engels]
Language co-exists with consciousness, and makes it social [Marx/Engels]
Consciousness is a social product [Marx/Engels]
The nature of an individual coincides with what they produce and how they produce it [Marx/Engels]
Young Hegelians proposed changing our present consciousness for liberating critical consciousness [Marx/Engels]
Young Hegelians think consciousness is chains for men, where old Hegelians think it the bond of society [Marx/Engels]
In communist society we are not trapped in one activity, but can act freely [Marx/Engels]
If the common interest imposes on the individual, his actions become alienated and enslaving [Marx/Engels]
Men distinguish themselves from animals when they begin to produce their means of subsistence [Marx/Engels]
Communism abolishes private property and dissolves the powerful world market [Marx/Engels]
Human history must always be studied in relation to industry and exchange [Marx/Engels]
Philosophy is no more than abstractions concerning observations of human historical development [Marx/Engels]
Most historians are trapped in the illusions of their own epoch [Marx/Engels]
When aristocracy or the bourgeoisie dominate, certain values dominate with them [Marx/Engels]
Slavery cannot be abolished without the steam-engine [Marx/Engels]
The class controlling material production also controls mental production [Marx/Engels]
The revolutionary class is opposed to 'class', and represents all of society [Marx/Engels]
Philosophical problems are resolved into empirical facts [Marx/Engels]
The law says private property is the result of the general will [Marx/Engels]
Individuals are mutually hostile unless they group together in competition with other groups [Marx/Engels]
Only in community are people able to cultivate their gifts, and therefore be free [Marx/Engels]
To assert themselves as individuals, the proletarians must overthrow the State [Marx/Engels]
Producing their own subsistence distinguishes men from animals [Marx/Engels]
For the proletariate, law, morality and religion are just expressions of bourgeois interests [Marx/Engels]
Modern governments are just bourgeois management committees [Marx/Engels]
The history of all existing society is the history of class struggles [Marx/Engels]
Communists want to rescue education from the ruling class [Marx/Engels]
The free development of each should be the condition for the free development of all [Marx/Engels]
Communism aims to abolish not all property, but bourgeois property [Marx/Engels]
Many of the bourgeois rights grievances are a form of self-defence [Marx/Engels]
Bourgeois interests create our morality, law and religion [Marx/Engels]