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Single Idea 17075

[filed under theme 14. Science / D. Explanation / 2. Types of Explanation / j. Explanations by reduction ]

Full Idea

The history of science suggests that most often explanation is reduction to the unfamiliar.

Gist of Idea

Scientific explanation tends to reduce things to the unfamiliar (not the familiar)


J.J.C. Smart (Explanation - Opening Address [1990], p.11)

Book Ref

'Explanation and Its Limits', ed/tr. Knowles,Dudley [CUP 1990], p.11

A Reaction

Boyle was keen to reduce things to the familiar, but that was early days for science, and some nasty shocks were coming our way. What would Boyle make of quantum non-locality?

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The 18 ideas from J.J.C. Smart

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