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27. Natural Reality / B. Modern Physics / 4. Standard Model / a. Concept of matter

[concept of matter emerging in modern physics]

19 ideas
Attraction or repulsion are not imparted to matter, but actually constitute it [Priestley]
     Full Idea: Attraction or repulsion appear to me not to be properly what is imparted to matter, but what really makes it what it is, in so much that, without it, it would be nothing at all.
     From: Joseph Priestley (Theological and other works [1790], p.237), quoted by Harré,R./Madden,E.H. - Causal Powers 9.II.B
     A reaction: This is music to the ears of anyone who thinks that powers are the fundamentals of nature (like me).
Mendeleev saw three principles in nature: matter, force and spirit (where the latter seems to be essence) [Mendeleev, by Scerri]
     Full Idea: Mendeleev rejected one unifying principles in favour of three basic components of nature: matter (substance), force (energy), and spirit (soul). 'Spirit' is said to be what we now mean by essentialism - what is irreducibly peculiar to the object.
     From: report of Dmitri Mendeleev (The Principles of Chemistry [1870]) by Eric R. Scerri - The Periodic Table 04 'Making'
At first matter is basic and known by sense-data; later Russell says matter is constructed [Russell, by Linsky,B]
     Full Idea: In the beginning Russell's ontology included matter as basic, to be known, however, only by inference from sense-data. By the end he wanted to 'contruct' matter from sense-data.
     From: report of Bertrand Russell (The Analysis of Matter [1927]) by Bernard Linsky - Russell's Metaphysical Logic 1
     A reaction: [see also p.133] Russell always seems to have been a robust realist about the external world, but the later view seems a lot less realist than the earlier view.
Matter is the limit of appearances as distance from the object diminishes [Russell]
     Full Idea: We offer the following tentative definition: The matter of a given thing is the limit of its appearances as their distance from the thing diminishes.
     From: Bertrand Russell (The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics [1914], §IX)
     A reaction: This strikes me as empiricism gone mad. Russell is famous for being a 'realist', but you would hardly know it at this point. Personally I put emphasis on 'best explanation', which fairly simply delivers most of our commonsense understandings of reality.
Matter requires a division into time-corpuscles as well as space-corpuscles [Russell]
     Full Idea: A true theory of matter requires a division of things into time-corpuscles as well as space-corpuscles.
     From: Bertrand Russell (The Ultimate Constituents of Matter [1915], p.125)
     A reaction: The division of matter in space seems decidable by physicists, but the division in time seems a bit arbitrary (unless it is quanta of time?). Russell focuses on observable qualities, but are there also intrinsic qualities?
Matter is a logical construction [Russell]
     Full Idea: We must regard matter as a logical construction.
     From: Bertrand Russell (The Ultimate Constituents of Matter [1915], p.132)
     A reaction: A logical construction is a fancy way of saying a best explanation (but with Ockham's Razor hanging over it). A key component missing from Russell's account is that we can directly experience matter, because we are made of it.
An atom's stability after collisions needs explaining (which Newton's mechanics can't do) [Heisenberg]
     Full Idea: The first new model of the atom could not explain the most characteristic features of the atom, its enormous stability. No planetary system following the laws of Newton's mechanics would ever go back to its original configuration after a collision.
     From: Werner Heisenberg (Physics and Philosophy [1958], 02)
Position is complementary to velocity or momentum, so the whole system is indeterminate [Heisenberg]
     Full Idea: The knowledge of the position of a particle is complementary to the knowledge of its velocity or momentum. If we know one with high accuracy we cannot know the other with high accuracy; still we must know both for determining the behaviour of the system.
     From: Werner Heisenberg (Physics and Philosophy [1958], 03)
     A reaction: This is the famous Uncertainty Principle, expressed in plain language by the man himself. At this point we lost our grip on the prospects of determining the behaviour of natural systems.
It was formerly assumed that electromagnetic waves could not be a reality in themselves [Heisenberg]
     Full Idea: The idea that electromagnetic waves could be a reality in themselves, independent of any bodies, did at that time not occur to the physicists.
     From: Werner Heisenberg (Physics and Philosophy [1958], 07)
     A reaction: 'At that time' is when they thought the waves must travel through something, called the 'ether'.
Modern theories of matter are grounded in heat, work and energy [Close]
     Full Idea: The link between temperature, heat, work and energy is at the root of our historical ability to construct theories of matter, such as Newton's dynamics, while ignoring, and indeed being ignorant of - atomic dimensions.
     From: Frank Close (Theories of Everything [2017], 3 'Arrow')
     A reaction: That is, presumably, that even when you fill in the atoms, and the standard model of physics, these aspects of matter do the main explaiining (of the behaviour, rather than of the structure).
'Physical' means either figuring in physics descriptions, or just located in space-time [Lycan]
     Full Idea: An object is specifically physical if it figures in explanations and descriptions of features of ordinary non-living matter, as in current physics; it is more generally physical if it is simply located in space-time.
     From: William Lycan (Consciousness [1987], 8.5)
     A reaction: This gives a useful distinction when trying to formulate a 'physicalist' account of the mind, where type-type physicalism says only the 'postulates of physics' can be used, whereas 'naturalism' about the mind uses the more general concept.
'Gunk' is an individual possessing no parts that are atoms [Chihara]
     Full Idea: An 'atomless gunk' is defined to be an individual possessing no parts that are atoms.
     From: Charles Chihara (A Structural Account of Mathematics [2004], App A)
     A reaction: [Lewis coined it] If you ask what are a-toms made of and what are ideas made of, the only answer we can offer is that the a-toms are made of gunk, and the ideas aren't made of anything, which is still bad news for the existence of ideas.
Only four particles are needed for matter: up and down quark, electron, electron-neutrino [Watson]
     Full Idea: We need twelve particles in the master equation of the standard model, but it is necessary to have only four to build a universe (up and down quarks, the electron and the electron neutrino (or lepton). The existence of the others is 'a bit of a mystery'.
     From: Peter Watson (Convergence [2016], 11 'First Three')
In physics, matter is an emergent phenomenon, not part of fundamental ontology [Ladyman/Ross]
     Full Idea: Physics has taught us that matter in the sense of extended stuff is an emergent phenomenon that has no counterpart in fundamental ontology.
     From: J Ladyman / D Ross (Every Thing Must Go [2007], 1.2.3)
     A reaction: They contrast this point with futile debates among philosopher between atomists (partless particles) and gunkists (parts all the way down).
That the universe must be 'made of' something is just obsolete physics [Ladyman/Ross]
     Full Idea: It is a metaphysical residue of obsolete physics to suppose that the universe is 'made of' anything.
     From: J Ladyman / D Ross (Every Thing Must Go [2007], 3.7.2)
     A reaction: They quote Smolin as saying that it is 'processes' which are fundamental. And yet surely there must be something there to undergo a process? Surely we don't have eternal platonic processes?
If all elements are multiples of one (of hydrogen), that suggests once again that matter is unified [Scerri]
     Full Idea: The work of Moseley and others rehabilitated Prout's hypothesis that all elements were composites of hydrogen, being exact multiples of 1. ..This revitalized some philososophical notions of the unity of all matter, criticised by Mendeleev and others.
     From: Eric R. Scerri (The Periodic Table [2007], 06 'Philos')
The stability of nuclei can be estimated through their binding energy [Scerri]
     Full Idea: The stability of nuclei can be estimated through their binding energy, a quantity given by the difference between their masses and the masses of their constituent particles.
     From: Eric R. Scerri (The Periodic Table [2007], 10 'Stabil')
Nature has three aspects: granularity, indeterminacy, and relations [Rovelli]
     Full Idea: I think that quantum mechanics has revealed three aspects of the nature of things: granularity, indeterminacy, and the relational structure of the world.
     From: Carlo Rovelli (Reality is Not What it Seems [2014], 04)
If particles have decay rates, they can't really be elementary, in the sense of indivisible [Ingthorsson]
     Full Idea: We may wonder whether the fact that physics has calculated (and for some, confirmed) the decay rate of elementary particles can be a reason to think that they cannot really be ‘elementary’ in the philosophical sense of ‘indivisible’.
     From: R.D. Ingthorsson (A Powerful Particulars View of Causation [2021], 7.6)
     A reaction: I don't think anything can ever conclusively be labelled as 'elementary', but this idea offers a reason for doubting whether a candidate particle is so basic. Does decay imply having parts?