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11. Knowledge Aims / A. Knowledge / 4. Belief / f. Animal beliefs

[whether animals believe things]

4 ideas
A mouse hearing a piano played does not believe it, because it lacks concepts and understanding [Dretske]
     Full Idea: A mouse can see and hear a piano being played, but believing is something else; it requires the concept of a piano, and understanding. Mice who hear pianos being played do not believe pianos are being played.
     From: Fred Dretske (Naturalizing the Mind [1997], §1.3)
     A reaction: Are we to say that when a mouse hears a piano it has no beliefs at all? Might not a belief involve images, so that a mouse calls up appropriate images from previous experiences, which are in a grey area on the edge of belief?
Defeasible reasoning requires us to be able to think about our thoughts [Pollock]
     Full Idea: Defeasible reasoning requires us to be able to think about our thoughts.
     From: John L. Pollock (Epistemic Norms [1986], 'Cog.Mach')
     A reaction: This is why I do not think animals 'know' anything, though they seem to have lots of true beliefs about their immediate situation.
Dogs seem to have beliefs, and beliefs require concepts [Lockwood]
     Full Idea: Dogs surely have beliefs, and beliefs call for some concepts or other.
     From: Michael Lockwood (Mind, Brain and the Quantum [1989], p.312)
If an animal has beliefs, that implies not only that it can make mistakes, but that it can learn from them [Scruton]
     Full Idea: To say that an animal has beliefs is to imply not just that it can make mistakes, but also that it can learn from them.
     From: Roger Scruton (Animal Rights and Wrongs [1996], p.15)
     A reaction: A bold claim which is hard to substantiate. Seems right, though. Why would they change a belief? It can't be a belief if it isn't changeable. That would be an instinct.