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26. Natural Theory / C. Causation / 8. Particular Causation / c. Conditions of causation

[analysis of situation that leads to an event]

19 ideas
We exercise to be fit, but need fitness to exercise [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: Exercise is the cause of fitness, but fitness is also the cause of exercise.
     From: Aristotle (Metaphysics [c.324 BCE], 1013b10)
Causes are either equal to the effect, or they link equally with other causes, or they contribute slightly [Sext.Empiricus]
     Full Idea: The majority say causes are immediate (when they are directly proportional to effects), or associate (making an equal contribution to effects), or cooperant (making a slight contribution).
     From: Sextus Empiricus (Outlines of Pyrrhonism [c.180], III.15)
There must be at least as much in the cause as there is in the effect [Descartes]
     Full Idea: There must be at least as much in the cause as there is in the effect.
     From: René Descartes (Meditations [1641], §3.49)
An effect needs a sufficient and necessary cause [Hobbes]
     Full Idea: There can be no effect but from a sufficient and necessary cause.
     From: Thomas Hobbes (De Corpore (Elements, First Section) [1655], 2.10.02)
     A reaction: To be compared with Mackie's subtler modern account of this matter. If two different separate causes could lead to the same result, it is hard to see how the cause must be 'necessary' (unless you say they lead to different effects).
For Hume a constant conjunction is both necessary and sufficient for causation [Hume, by Crane]
     Full Idea: Hume held that constant conjunction between As and Bs is both necessary and sufficient for a causal relation. If As and Bs are conjoined that is sufficient for a causal relation; if A and B are causally related, necessarily they are constantly conjoined.
     From: report of David Hume (Treatise of Human Nature [1739]) by Tim Crane - Causation 1.2.2
     A reaction: A helpful connection between Hume and the modern debate about conditions for causation (e.g. Mackie). It sounds as if, to spot the necessary condition, you need to independently see that A and B are causally related, which regularity does not allow.
A cause is the total of all the conditions which inevitably produce the result [Mill]
     Full Idea: A cause is the sum total of the conditions positive and negative taken together ...which being realized, the consequent invariably follows.
     From: John Stuart Mill (System of Logic [1843]), quoted by Donald Davidson - Causal Relations §1
     A reaction: This has obvious problems. The absence of Napoleon was a cause of the English Civil War. The Big Bang was a cause of, well, every event. As Davidson notes, some narrowing down is needed.
Causes are either sufficient, or necessary, or necessitated, or contingent upon [Ducasse]
     Full Idea: There are four causal connections: an event is sufficient for another if it is its cause; an event is necessary for another if it is a condition for it; it is necessitated by another if it is an effect; it is contingent upon another if it is a resultant.
     From: Curt Ducasse (Nature and Observability of Causal Relations [1926], §2)
     A reaction: An event could be a condition for another without being necessary. He seems to have missed the indispensable aspect of a necessary condition.
When a brick and a canary-song hit a window, we ignore the canary if we are interested in the breakage [Ducasse]
     Full Idea: If a brick and the song of a canary strike a window, which breaks....we can truly say that the song of the canary had nothing to do with it, that is, in so far as what occurred is viewed merely as a case of breakage of window.
     From: Curt Ducasse (Nature and Observability of Causal Relations [1926], §5)
     A reaction: This is the germ of Davidson's view, that causation is entirely dependent on the mode of description, rather than being an actual feature of reality. If one was interested in the sound of the breakage, the canary would become relevant.
We must further analyse conditions for causation, into quantifiers or modal concepts [Wright,GHv]
     Full Idea: We may be able to analyse causation into conditionship relations between events or states of affairs, ...but conditions cannot be regarded as logical primitives, ... and must be analysed into quantifiers, or modal concepts.
     From: G.H. von Wright (Logic and Epistemology of Causal Relations [1973], §2)
     A reaction: [very compressed] A nice illustration of the aim of analytical philosophy - to analyse the elements of reality down to logical primitives. This is the dream of Descartes and Leibniz, continued by Russell and co. Do we still have this aspiration?
Since Mill causation has usually been explained by necessary and sufficient conditions [Anscombe]
     Full Idea: Since Mill it has been fairly common to explain causation one way or another in terms of 'necessary' and 'sufficient' conditions.
     From: G.E.M. Anscombe (Causality and Determinism [1971], §1)
     A reaction: Interesting to see what Hume implies about these criteria. Anscombe is going to propose that causal events are fairly self-evident and self-explanatory, and don't need analyses of conditions. Another approach is regularities and laws.
Necessity and sufficiency are best suited to properties and generic events, not individual events [Kim on Mackie]
     Full Idea: Relations of necessity and sufficiency seem best suited for properties and for property-like entities such as generic states and events; their application to individual events and states is best explained as derivative from properties and generic events.
     From: comment on J.L. Mackie (Causes and Conditions [1965]) by Jaegwon Kim - Causes and Events: Mackie on causation §4
     A reaction: This seems to suggest that necessity must either derive from laws, or from powers. It is certainly hard to see how you could do Mackie's assessment of necessary and sufficient components, without comparing similar events.
A cause is part of a wider set of conditions which suffices for its effect [Mackie, by Crane]
     Full Idea: The details of Mackie's analysis are complex, but the general idea is that the cause is part of a wider set of conditions which suffices for its effect.
     From: report of J.L. Mackie (Causes and Conditions [1965]) by Tim Crane - Causation 1.3.3
     A reaction: Helpful. Why does something have to be 'the' cause? Immediacy is a vital part of it. A house could be a 'fire waiting to happen'. Oxygen is an INUS condition for a fire.
Necessary conditions are like counterfactuals, and sufficient conditions are like factual conditionals [Mackie]
     Full Idea: A necessary causal condition is closely related to a counterfactual conditional: if no-cause then no-effect, and a sufficient causal condition is closely related to a factual conditional (Goodman's phrase): since cause-here then effect.
     From: J.L. Mackie (Causes and Conditions [1965], §4)
     A reaction: The 'factual conditional' just seems to be an assertion that causation occurred (dressed up with the logical-sounding 'since'). An important distinction for Lewis. Sufficiency doesn't seem to need possible-worlds talk.
The INUS account interprets single events, and sequences, causally, without laws being known [Mackie]
     Full Idea: My account shows how a singular causal statement can be interpreted, and how the corresponding sequence can be shown to be causal, even if the corresponding complete laws are not known.
     From: J.L. Mackie (Causes and Conditions [1965], §9)
     A reaction: Since the 'complete' laws are virtually never known, it would be a bit much to require that to assert causation. His theory is the 'INUS' account of causal conditions - see Idea 8333.
Full descriptions can demonstrate sufficiency of cause, but not necessity [Davidson]
     Full Idea: The fuller we make the description of a cause, the better our chances of demonstrating that it was sufficient (as described) to produce the effect, and the worse our chances of demonstrating that it was necessary. (For the effect, it is the opposite).
     From: Donald Davidson (Causal Relations [1967], §3)
     A reaction: If the fullness of description is relevant, this suggests that Davidson is focusing on human explanations, rather than on the ontology of causation. If the cause IS necessary, why wouldn't a better description make that clearer?
Efficient causes combine stimulus to individuals, absence of contraints on activity [Harré/Madden]
     Full Idea: Efficient causes comprise both the presence of stimuli which activate a quiescent individual, and the absence or removal of constraints upon an individual already in a state of activity.
     From: Harré,R./Madden,E.H. (Causal Powers [1975], 1.II.B)
     A reaction: This is part of an account of causation in term of 'powers', with which I agree. Before you object, there is always going to be something about causation which is mind boggling weird, and probably leaves even God bewildered.
Are causes sufficient for the event, or necessary, or both? [Sosa/Tooley]
     Full Idea: An early view of causation (Mill and Hume) is whatever is (ceteris paribus) sufficient for the event. A second view (E.Nagel) is that the cause should just be necessary. Some (R.Taylor) even contemplate the cause having to be necessary and sufficient.
     From: E Sosa / M Tooley (Introduction to 'Causation' [1993], §2)
     A reaction: A cause can't be necessary if there is some other way to achieve the effect. A single cause is not sufficient if many other factors are also essential. If neither of those is right, then 'both' is wrong. Enter John Mackie...
A totality of conditions necessary for an occurrence is usually held to be jointly sufficient for it [Sanford]
     Full Idea: A totality of conditions necessary for an occurrence is jointly sufficient for it. This is a widely held but controversial view, and it is not a logical truth.
     From: David H. Sanford (Causation [1995], p.82)
     A reaction: This wouldn't work for an impossible occurrence. What are the necessary conditions to produce a large planet made of uranium? One of them would have to be a naturally impossible necessity.
Causal overdetermination is either actual overdetermination, or pre-emption, or the fail-safe case [Lowe]
     Full Idea: In causation there is 'overdetermination' (c and d occurred, and were both sufficient for e), 'pre-emption' (c and d occurred, and d would have stepped in if c hadn't), or 'fail-safe' (if c hadn't occurred, d would have occurred and done it).
     From: E.J. Lowe (A Survey of Metaphysics [2002], p.179)
     A reaction: Two safety nets together, two safety nets spaced apart, or a second net which pops in if the first breaks. Nice distinctions.